Saturday, August 31, 2019

Chef Satisfaction Essay

The findings showed that employees’ job satisfaction directly and positively influences organizational commitment, but does not directly influence job performance. Employees’ job satisfaction enhances job performance only through organizational commitment. Internal marketing, empowerment and leadership also positively influence job satisfaction. Empowerment and leadership enhance employees’ organizational commitment. Internal job stress negatively influences employees’ job satisfaction and external job stress enhances employees’ job performance. According to the findings, this paper realized the main factors which influence hospitality industry employees’ job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job performance, which can function as criteria for human resource management in the hospitality industry. Key words: Hospitality industry, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, job performance.   With the change of the industrial structure in recent years, the output value of the service industry has become more than 70% of the GDP in most advanced countries (CIA, 2009). Thus, the service industry plays a significant role in national economic development. In 2008, as the world encountered a financial tsunami, the governments of different countries selected potential service industries and supported them with resources, in order to energize economic development. The hospitality industry is a typical service industry, and it is critical service industry around the world. In Taiwan, the scale of the hospitality industry has been increasing year by year. According to the Statistics Department, Ministry of Economic Affairs, in 2001 the business volume of the hospitality industry in Taiwan was NTD 261. 3 billion. In 2006 it passed NTD 300 billion and in 2009 it reached NTD 321. 7 billion. However, the hospitality industry refers to labor services and relies on manpower in areas such as production, delivery and restaurant service. Thus, the hospitality industry is mainly based on services. As mentioned in Bitner’s (1995) framework of the service marketing triangle, service providers play a critical role in the service industries. In service industry management, regarding the importance of employees, Heskett et al. (1994) proposed the framework of service profit chain. In the service profit chain, there are critical linkages among internal service *Corresponding author. E-mail: cccheng@mail. tcmt. edu. tw. Tel: +886-2-28102292 ext. 5009. Fax: +886-2-2810-6688. Tsai et al. 4119 quality, employee satisfaction/productivity, the value of services provided to the customer, customer satisfaction and company’s profits. This chain shows that internal service quality can enhance employee satisfaction, which will enhance employee productivity and further result in external service value and enhanced customer satisfaction. Finally, the company can make a profit (Zeithaml et al. , 2009). Therefore, satisfied employees make satisfied customers. Service personnel satisfaction significantly influences organizational commitment and job performance on customer satisfaction and corporate operational performance (Ladkin, 2002; Dunlap et al. , 1988; Tansuhaj et al. , 1988; Chowdhary, 2003; Yang and Chen, 2010). How to enhance service personnel satisfaction, organizational commitment and job performance is a critical issue in service industry management. In past research on employee satisfaction, organizational commitment and job performance, many scholars (Babin and Boles, 1998; Bernhardt et al. 2000; Van Scotter, 2000; Koys, 2003; Testa, 2001) have validated that employees’ job satisfaction positively influences job performance and organizational commitment. In studies on factors of employees’ job satisfaction, job performance and organizational commitment, the service profit chain proposed by Heskett et al. (1994) and service marketing management model indica ted by Tansuhaj et al. (1988) on overall service industry both demonstrated that management’s internal marketing activities produce job satisfaction and commitment to the organization. In addition, many studies have found close relationships between leadership, employee satisfaction, organizational commitment and job performance (Billingsley and Cross, 1992; Yammarino and Dubinsky, 1994; Burton et al. , 2002; Avolio et al. , 2004; Chen and Silverthorne, 2005). The above studies have mainly focused on the educational service industry, retail industry, manufacturing service industry, medical service industry and governmental institutions, but have not conducted indepth explorations on the hospitality service industry. Hopfl (1994) indicated that in the service delivery, firstline employees must be empowered to some degree in order to cope with customers’ special demands. Thus, job empowerment can be treated as important management to encourage first-line service personnel and immediately solve customers’ differential demands. Avolio et al. (2004), Caykoylu et al. (2007) and Chen et al. (2008) respectively conducted empirical studies on medical personnel and employees of the telecommunication industry, banking industry and postal industry, and found that empowerment positively influences employee satisfaction and organizational commitment. One issue worthy of further study is the extent of how empowerment positively influences hospitality industry employee satisfaction and organizational commitment. In addition, first-line employees face different customer demands and supervisor requirements, therefore job stress is a critical issue for them. Jamal (1990) and Jex (1998) suggested that reducing employees’ job stress could enhance employees’ job satisfaction and job performance. Williams and Cooper (2002) and Ouyang (2009) indicated that proper job stress would enhance employees’ job performance. In the hospitality industry, the influence of job stress from external customers and internal supervisors on employees’ job satisfaction and job performance is an issue worthy of further exploration. Based on the above, internal marketing, leadership, empowerment and job stress are possible factors of service industry employees’ job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job performance, and these factors are validated in various service industries. However, the outcomes in different service industries are not the same. For the hospitality industry, it is important to validate and analyze the influences of the above factors on employees’ job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job performance. Thus, this study intended to combine internal marketing, leadership, empowerment and job stress and proposed an integrated model of hospitality industry employees’ job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job performance. Hospitality industry employees in Taipei City were treated as the subjects, and the researcher probed into factors of hospitality industry employees’ job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job performance in order to function as criteria for management in the hospitality industry. LITERATURE REVIEW Job satisfaction The term â€Å"job satisfaction† was proposed by Hoppock (1935) who suggested that job satisfaction means employees’ emotions and attitude toward their jobs, and is their subjective reaction toward their jobs. The definition of job satisfaction is generalized into three categories: (1) Definition of generality: Job satisfaction refers to the affective reaction to one’s job as the most (Ozer and Gunluk, 2010). Job satisfaction, which is one of the most important necessities for an individual to be successful, happy and productive, is a feeling of satisfaction, that is, an outcome of the perception of what the job provides for an individual (Ay and Av aro lu, 2010); (2) Definition of difference: This refers to the degree of satisfaction and the difference between ndividual actual returns and required returns. For instance, Porter and Lawler (1968) suggested that the degree of satisfaction depends on the difference between a person’s actual returns and expected returns; (3) Definition of criterion framework: Peoples’ subjective perception and interpretation on objective traits of organizations or jobs would be influenced by individual criterion framework. According to Smith et al. (1969), job satisfaction is the outcome after a person interprets the job traits according 4120 Afr. J. Bus. Manage. o the criterion framework. The influence of certain work situations on job satisfaction is related to many factors, such as comparisons between good and bad jobs, comparisons with others, personal competency and past experience, etc. Job performance Kane and Lawler (1976) suggested that job performance refers to the record of the results when employees have practiced a job for a certain period of time. According to Schermerhorn (1989), job performance refers to the quality and quantity accomplished by individuals or groups after fulfilling a task. After a certain period of time, measurements of employees’ job performance could serve as criterion for promotions, wage adjustments, rewards, punishments and evaluations. Cascio (2006) suggested that managers must specifically define performance to allow the teams or employees to recognize the organizational expectations in order to fulfill the organizational goals. In other words, managers must set concrete goals, trace the fulfillment degree and evaluate the teams’ or employees’ performance. Van Scotter and Motowidlo (1996) suggested that employees with a high degree of job enthusiasm will demonstrate extra effort and devotion, and will actively seek out solutions to problems at work in order to enhance their job performance. Robbins (1998) divided the measurement of job performance into job result, job behavior and personal traits. Lee et al. (1999) divided job performance into efficiency, efficacy and quality. Efficiency refers to the employees’ output rate and is the ability to accomplish tasks before deadline. Efficacy refers to the employees’ goal accomplishment rate and proposals. Quality refers to the employees’ error rate and complaint rate, supervisor satisfaction, customer satisfaction and colleague satisfaction. This study suggested that in the application of this construct to measure hospitality industry employees’ job performance, efficiency should refer to the employees’ speed in customer service, efficacy should mean the accomplishment of tasks assigned by customers, and quality should mean the employees’ performance in customer service. As to measurement, Shore and Thornton (1986) indicated that self-evaluation allows individuals to participate in performance evaluation and serves as a criterion. Based on the above, according to the views of Lee et al. (1999), this study divided job performance into efficiency, efficacy and quality, and measured hospitality industry employees’ job performance using employee self-evaluation. Smith et al. (1969) proposed the Job Description Index (JDI) to measure job satisfaction, with the constructs including wage, promotion, job, supervisors and colleagues. Black and Gregersen (1997) found a positive correlation between job satisfaction and job performance. Organ (1990) suggested that when employees are satisfied with their work, they are willing to sacrifice themselves and devote to their organization. Organizational commitment From the perspective of attitude, Porter et al. (1974) indicated that organizational commitment is a person’s active and positive intention to identify with and internalize organizational goals and value. According to Reyes and Pounder (1990), organizational commitment is the strong belief and intention to identify with organizational value, devote to and stay with the organization. Mathews and Shepherd (2002) suggested that organizational commitment refers to workers’ attitude, behavior and connection between individuals and the organization. Guest (1995) indicated that organizational commitment is at the core of human resource management. It transforms traditional manpower management into the core of human resources. Organizational members’ attitude or intentions particularly indicate the importance of employees’ organizational commitment. Dee et al. (2006) suggested that organizational commitment is a person’s intention to devote to and be loyal to the organization. Lambert et al. (2006) suggested that organizational commitment is the structural phenomenon of trading between individuals and organizations. It increases with time, but it does not lead to a transferable investment outcome. Thus, in theoretical study and practical use, scholars have valued organizational commitment in human resource management. In recent years, many scholars have probed into organizational commitment from the view of Porter et al. (1974). Thus, this study also followed the above view and divided organizational commitment into value commitment, effort commitment and retention commitment. This study further treated these three constructs as criteria to measure hospitality industry employees’ organizational commitment. Definitions of these constructs are thus shown: (1) Value commitment: a strong belief and identification with organizational goals and values. 2) Effort commitment: the intention to devote more to the organization. (3) Retention commitment: a strong intention to continue being part of the organization. Internal marketing Internal Marketing (IM) is the process of handling staff as internal customers and projects as internal products that satisfy the needs and desires of the customers and adhere to the company’s goals (Berry and Parasuraman, 1991). Rafiq and Ahmed (1993) suggest that internal marketing involves â€Å"a planned effort to overcome organizational resistance to change and to align, motivate Tsai et al. 4121 nd integrate employees towards the effective implementation of corporate and functional strategies†. Joseph (1996) suggested that internal marketing is can be applied to marketing and human resource management, combining theoretical techniques and principles in order to encourage, recruit and manage all employees in the organization and constantly improve external customer service and mutual services. In addition, Ahmed et al. (2003) defined internal marketing as the emp loyees’ evaluation of the reward system, internal communication, training and development of the company. Internal marketing empirical research in the service sector has proven that internal marketing has influenced on internal customers (that is, employees) satisfactions. Berry and Parasuraman (1991) suggested that the advantages of internal marketing implementation in organizations are as follows: (1) To acquire and keep excellent talent; (2) to provide a common vision so that employees have job purpose and meaning; (3) to give employees the ability and knowledge to accomplish the work; (4) to encourage employees to share the results of teamwork; (5) to create job designs be based on the findings of marketing studies. The aforementioned views reveal that corporate implementation of internal marketing allows employees to enhance service quality, which increases the production and profits of the companies. The implementation of internal marketing in the organizations results in an internal service culture, raises service consciousness and increases profits (Parasuraman et al. , 1985). Based on the views of these scholars, internal marketing is critical for organizations and influences external marketing to further enhance customer satisfaction. According to the these definitions and based on the views of Rafiq and Ahmed (1993) and Ahmed et al. (2003), this study treated employee evaluations of reward systems, internal communication, and training and development of companies as criterion for measuring internal marketing of the hospitality industry. Leadership Leadership refers the process of influencing the team to accomplish the goals (Robbins and Coulter, 2005). Leaders are key success factors of an organization (Bass, 1985; Daft, 2002). Skillful leaders recognize and use the interpersonal relationships of the team and strengthen the members’ loyalty and morale. Effective leaders must learn skills such as patiently sharing information, trusting others and recognizing the timing of interventions (Steckler and Fondas, 1995). In recent years, numerous scholars have tried to discuss leadership from new perspectives. New studies of leadership theory have particularly stressed the influences of demands between leaders and subordinates, the interaction of personality traits and situational factors on leadership (Bargal and Schmid, 1989). Corporate leaders must select a proper leadership according to their subordinates’ different demands for supervision, in order to enhance employee satisfaction and fulfill expected goals. Bass and Avolio (1997) divided leadership into transformational leadership and transactional leadership. In transformational leadership, subordinates trust, respect and are loyal to their leaders. Leaders can develop their subordinates’ potential and enhance their confidence by changing their values and beliefs in order to increase their organizational commitment, intention and motivation to create exceptional outcomes. Transformational leadership can be divided into ideal traits, ideal behavior, the encouragement of inspiration, and the stimulation of wisdom and individual care. In addition, transactional leadership means leaders and members remain in the process of negotiation and mutual benefit instead of a persistent one-purpose relationship. Social exchange theory is treated as the theoretical base. When subordinates act according to their leaders’ expectations, they will have returns with a specific value. Transactional leadership can be divided into contingent rewards, and active and passive exceptional management. Most quantitative studies on leadership have created questionnaires using the MLQ scale designed by Bass and Avolio (1997). The MLQ scale includes two constructs (transformational leadership and transactional leadership). This study also designed a leadership questionnaire for the hospitality industry according to the MLQ scale. Empowerment Empowerment signals a transition away from traditional development that confined people’s role to that of passive recipients, effectively rendering them dependent on handouts in the form of foreign aid (O’Gorman, 1995). Bowen and Lawler III (1992) define empowerment as sharing with frontline employees four organizational ingredients: (1) Information about the organization’s performance; (2) rewards based on the organization’s performance; (3) knowledge about contributing to organizational performance; (4) power to make decisions that influence organizational direction and performance. Murat and Thomas (2003) suggested that empowerment does not simply refer to telling employees that they are empowered, but aims to allow the employees to recognize what power has been authorized. Boudrias et al. (2004) suggested that in managerial circles, empowerment application includes two types: (1) Empowering the responsibility of decision-making to subordinates while emphasizing rich work environments 4122 Afr. J. Bus. Manage. and diverse authority, information, resources and support, and providing the opportunity to learn in order to improve performance; (2) psychological empowerment, which refers to employees’ experiences of empowerment that are inferred as a mediating variable of empowerment and expected results. According to Sherman (1996), empowerment acknowledges that employees have the power to change in order to encourage employees to increase their competency. Kanter (1993) suggested that empowerment can keep employees from feeling helpless. Organizations could thus reduce negative effects such as low morale. The most significant effect of empowerment is to enhance employees’ abilities and self-efficacy (Conger and Kanungo, 1988). Bowen and Lawler III (1992) suggested the advantages of empowerment for organizations below: (1) To rapidly respond to customer demands and questions; (2) a high degree of employees’ job satisfaction; (3) positive interactions with consumers; (4) employees with creative thoughts; (5) the creation of loyal customers. About the definition of psychological empowerment, Spreitzer (1995) defines this concept as the psychological state that employees must experience for managerial empowerment interventions to be successful.

Business Fashion Affects Consumer Behavior

Business fashion affects consumer behavior Position 1. 1 Current situation Fashion trend always affect how the majority wear. Recently, a series of casual wear fashion brands have arrived Hong Kong. It drives hundreds of thousands of youngsters or young adults crazy on western casual wear style. It is not hard to observe this in streets. This attributes to fashion brands usually push a mass promotion towards the targeted consumers together with an attractive and all round market offering. fashion brands not only provide a product, but also shopping experience with well created shopping environment, well trained salespersons and well organized after sales services) That’s why consumers are attracted to follow their trends by becoming so fence to the fashion brands. 1. 2 How it affects Consumer behaviors are affected by different stimuli, including marketing strategies. It influences the buyer’s black box, which are buyer characteristics and decision process.For fashion b rands, they usually utilize different marketing strategies in order to adapt or influence social, personal, cultural and psychological factors that affect buyer’s black box and therefore their purchase decision. 1. 3 Reasons behind If fashion brands successfully influence the buyer’s purchase decision, they can gain a huge business chance. That means if they can make up a fashion trend that consistent with their clothing style, it would bring such a million dollar sales.As it becomes a fashion trend, consumer will not only buy it for once, but become loyal as long as it is still ‘fashionable’ to them. it would bring a continuous benefit but not all-for-once. Problems 2. 1 Consumer To some extent, it in fact creates an unnecessary consumption which means it is not purchasing for need. Many exact need recognition to purchase are implied by external stimuli which is not internally implied by consumers itself but made by marketers. Just try to think, how many clothes you bought for need only but not because you think it is good.Why you feel good to the product, which might be it is chic, mostly for the teens and young adults. That implies a problem of overconsumption or even existence of shopaholics or any personal finance. 2. 2 Fashion Fashion brands would create fashion trends to match their clothing style. That might affect the independency of the art of fashion. Fashion is an art, is an expression, is an time mark. It represents many things that weigh. It is more than a business. If it has been used as a market strategies, that , to some extent, limit or even destroy fashion.At least some fashion designers might sacrifice the art value of fashion and turn their design to business oriented, that the fashion design should suit their business marketing strategies. Like many renowned fashion brands, they would fine tune the product shown in the fashion catwalk show before it is sold. Like the high heels designed specially by YSL, which i s a round shape like a quarter of a circle with heel when you look by side, the level of heels have been lowered and fine-tune their design before it is launched to the public.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Holocaust drama stimulus

During our first lesson, as a class we went through a slide show of different shocking pictures. These shocking pictures represented what the Jewish people had to go through during the period in which the Holocaust took place. As a class, we discussed about how we felt looking at these pictures and these feelings and emotions were going to help us create a new piece of drama later on. The pictures that were being put in front of us made me feel disgusted, it made me feel disgusted that a whole race can happily discriminate and wipe out another race simply because they did not fit in or because they were not liked. I was shocked and angry because no one took action as no one really knew this massacre was taking place. We were going through the slide show which showed these horrid pictures of innocent women, men and even children getting killed, dead in piles of bodies or being in really bad conditions, these pictures made the atmosphere feel different; it made the atmosphere feel gloomy and depressing. Everyone who sat in the room went from feeling happy to feeling sad and miserable but suddenly a picture of a man who was behind all of this cruelty came up, at this point all I felt was anger but I also felt pity for him. I felt pity for him because I didn’t understand how someone can be this cruel to human beings. When the photograph of soldiers and one of Hitler laughing with some people was juxtaposed with the photos of the Jewish people in the camps it made me feel confused with different emotions such as anger and sadness. This was a picture which really made me think about what Jewish people really had to go through. I could see a huge group of heartless and cold blooded German soldiers at the back watching Jews being shot in the back of the head one by one, it seemed like it was some sort of entertainment for them and this was a day to day event. While the soldiers are just watching, a Jewish man is sitting beside his own death waiting to join all the others who have already been sent down. There was nothing he could do to stop him from falling into the ‘death whole’. I think there is some sort of juxtaposition in this picture. The soldiers who are enjoying and the Jewish who are next to their death have been put side to side despite their differences and despite the contrast between them. When we were thinking about being a Jewish person it made me feel miserable. People who were Jewish knew they were going to die one day or another, they were just waiting for their life to be taken by one of the heartless Germans, and living like this everyday with such a thought must have been horrific. I later then used these well-built feelings and emotions to help me maintain a strong and realistic character. These feelings made me focus on the character in which I was playing; it made me focus on what the character may have felt like and what the character went through. I then used all these factors to change the tone of my voice and the way I behave accordingly and appropriately to match the character I was playing. Task 1 After the discussion we were told to create three still images in our groups. We used all the emotions and feelings that a Jewish person may have had and interpreted it as our own. The still images had to include a family who represented three stages of their lives; 1. Life before anything happened 2. When they received the letter about what was going to happen to them 3. The family falling into pieces 1st STILL IMAGE; Happy family before anything happens. 1. The height between each character is different. Brandon is much higher then the rest, this shows that Brandon has higher authority and is a much important member of the family, they have used height arrangements in a clever way as the audience can quickly spot out who has higher authority within the family. 2. The group uses hand gestures to try and tell the audience thing. This particular gesture shows that the family are going to eat their dinner; this is represented with the way their arms and hands are positioned. However all the hand gestures are regular hand gestures, the group should have tried using different variations. 3. Facial expression has been used to express emotion, khaled has a smile on his face; this indicates that he is happy. However this expression looks unrealistic so to make this better khaled should have done a more realistic smile. 4. Proxemics has been used by the group to show the spacing between each character. They are all tightly packed in showing a good family atmosphere. 5. The group has tried to use their body language to show the audience that they are a family who are comfortable around each other. This is done well as they are well packed in together and are slouching in towards each other. The posture also shows the same, the way they are sitting around each other shows that they know each other very well. 2ND STILL IMAGE; this still image shows the stage in which the family has received shocking news 1. Facial expression has been used again by Brandon to show the emotions. The facial expressions that have been used by Brandon show that the family are in shock due to something that has happened or due to shocking information they have received. From this image you can see that Brandon has his face wide open while looking at the document. This has been successful as the audience can quickly spot out that Brandon is shocked. 2. Hand gestures have been used by khaled. In this image khaled look like he is holding something such as a young infant or a baby. However, holding a young infant does not fit in the scenario and it seems like it has been put there ‘randomly’. The group should have picked hand gestures that are connected to the situation. 3. The body language and posture between Rebecca and Calleh shows that they are trying to comfort each other as they are in distress; this has been done well as they are both very low down and their head are facing downwards while holding each other. 4. Proxemics has been used again in this image to show the relationship between two individual by putting them very close to each other. From the body image of the two characters, we can tell that they are in great distress and they are trying to comfort each other by holding each other’s arm. 5. The levels show you who are more upset within the family and who are in more distress. We can tell that the men are taking the situation calmly although they are in shock but the women are in more distress. 3rd STILL IMAGE; Stage in which each family member has to leave and make their own way. 1. Brandon has used facial expression; we can tell that he is not happy; in fact he is quite angry and upset about leaving everyone. His facial expressions are quite powerful as it looks realistic. 2. Their postures and body language gives a hint to the audience that they are not happy. Everyone has their head down showing that they are in distress but the character that had the higher authority (Brandon) is looking back at everything. 1. Everyone is now at the same height and stages, this shows that they are all at the same stages and shows that they all have the same values and destiny (they were all going to die). 2. Gestures have been used, each member have put out their hand, this tells the audience that they do not want to leave each other, and want to come back together as a family. Using arms as a method of connection within individuals is quite powerful. 3. Proxemics(the use of space) represent that they are all now separating from each other to go live their own lives, this is shown as they are further apart from each other and there is no way of coming back together. This group told the audience something new, we were told that Jewish family were like any other families and they lived a normal life such as having family dinners together. Jewish families had nothing that was different from other families but due to new laws and rules they had to leave each other and it’s not very easy to leave someone who is part of your family. This group have worked well as a group to show real emotions and all the gestures they have acted out were realistic making the whole performance realistic and effective. We analysed the poem at first as a class, we could feel the tension around the classroom building up as we were going through the poem. When the poem was being read by the teacher, it felt like a Jewish boy was talking to us directly, it felt so realistic as when the poem was read out, slow and emotional string music was going on in the background making every individual feel upset and emotional. The mixture of the long and short sentences (stanza) makes an impact. Also I like that the writer has used simple use of vocabulary for such a serious situation. However, while analysing the poem I realised that turning such a serious situation into a performance was hard because we had to bring all the different emotions together. When we then got into a group to start a performance, we chose music to accompany our performance. Our group chose music that had a slow pace to it, this fitted in well as our performance in a whole was quite slow. However it was very hard to find unique motions for different sections of the poem. During our performance we put a lot of emphasis on particular words, at the beginning of our performance one individual said; â€Å"and thrown into the fire†. We put emphasis on the word ‘thrown’ by saying it together at the same time with a strong loud voice and the person, who started the sentence alone, finishes the sentence. This made it so much powerful as it tells the audience how bad the Jewish were treated and makes the audience think. Also when shouting a powerful word out in a quiet surrounding, the audience gets shocked and feel more emotional towards the performance. When saying it we also dropped on the floor making it more effective as it was quite loud. â€Å"Lawyers, rabbis, wives, teachers, mothers†; we gave each word to different individual and they all said it in unison. I was sitting in the middle as a child ‘who had dreams, then had no hope’ with each character saying one word that was a career which I could have had. After saying their career they walked off, this showed that the dream I had, has gone and I have now no hope. Saying it unison made an effect as it shows how it not only affected a group of people, but it affected every individual deeply. We also used echoes. â€Å"We were taken away in the dead of night like cattle in cars, no air to breathe† The lights completely switched off and we all came together in a circle facing outwards. When the light turned back on I started saying ‘we were taken away in the dead of night’ then another individual said ‘like cattle in cars, no air to breathe’. The other two individuals where quietly whispering ‘no air to breathe’ creating an echo. It made the atmosphere feel tensed and spooky. We could have improved this as the lights were not switched on and off at the correct times not giving us enough time to go into our position, we should have made it clear to the person who was doing the lighting. Also as we panicked about the light we forgot few bits which we had to say together. â€Å"Smothering, Crying, Starving, Dying†, we all had a particular word to say and while saying it got into a position. We were all in a line in a different level. The person who said ‘Smothering’ were stood higher up and the person who said ‘dying’ was completely on the floor. This showed the different stages a Jewish person went through. Saying it in unison showed that everyone went through the same stages and ended up in the same place ‘dying’. I think this really worked well as saying it in unison and doing the movement to match the word really explained each stage that a Jewish individual had to go through. â€Å"From the ashes, hear our plea†; we said ‘hear our plea’ together as it made it more clear to the audience that ALL the Jewish children were upset and frustrated and wanted someone to listen to them. Our motion to this was sitting on the floor with our arms out looking upwards as if we were praying to have justice and for people to listen to us. I think we could have improved this by saying this together at the same time and improve our timings. â€Å"This atrocity to mankind can not happen again†; we shouted out ‘can not’ together to show our anger against what has happened and show that this certainly cannot happen again. I personally believe this worked well as it showed our anger because we did not shout many things out so shouting these particular words out really meant something. At the end we all got in a line and sat down, we then each said few words from this sentence; remember us/, for we were the children/ whose dreams and lives/ were stolen away. After saying our section we looked down and the lights slowly switched off. I think this was a good end because it seemed like we came back from dead to give a message to everyone and then went back. I believe that we worked well as a group and rehearsed well towards our performance. We had few errors during our performance in which one individual forgot to say something and some repetition were forgotten but these errors were not noticeable.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Should the gun laws be strikter Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Should the gun laws be strikter - Research Paper Example Nevertheless, many people support strict gun control that includes background checks and mandatory handgun registration; even though, it may hinder law-abiding citizens from owning guns. There is need for strict regulation of firearms manufacture and sale in order to intensify gun safety and limit delinquents from obtaining firearms and includes also policies aimed at preventing youngsters from accessing guns to lessen their violence with guns(Gallup Summary 10). Proponents of firearm restriction believe that it improves public safety since it encourages great responsibility among gun owners and offer police great method of tracing stolen firearms (Newport 11). However, antagonists maintain that the scheme is not viable stating that it forms an expensive and additional federal bureaucracy. In July 2012, Colorado experienced dreadful mass killing in a movie theater, and many of the guns including assault weapons and semiautomatic handguns used by recent mass murders were obtained lega lly, similar to the AR-15 assault rifle used to blast victims in the dark movie theater. Many people support strict gun control since most of the reported, violent gun shootings occur in the public place (Newport 6). Majority of the public favor restriction of guns to people convicted for publicly displaying firearms in ways that are threatening; moreover, people favor restriction for concealing and carrying a firearm without permit. The support for strict firearm restriction has been strong in the past few years; with majority of people endorsing police permit for a person who needs to purchase a gun. Thus, the promising response for the shooting would be one that emphasizes the keeping of guns away from criminals and dangerous people. Furthermore, a wide range of measures that regulate firearms and strictly punish people who violate gun laws should be put in place, especially after the unthinkable nightmare at Connecticut elementary school (Carlson 2). Even though, strict gun cont rol has high chances of succeeding if framed as crime control instead of gun control, the NRA (National Rifle Association) lobby thrives on controversy and does not compromise. Tightening faulty federal background checks ought to be top priority, since no serious individual would object to coordinated and computerized record checks that hinder the sale of firearms to domestic-violence misdemeanants, felons and people formally deemed to be mentally ill. Enactment of reforms may not deter determined school shooters from accessing weapons from the black market. Even with an improved background check system, the system could have failed to hinder the Newtown shooter from accessing his mother’s legally obtained gun, since mass killers tend to be young men with deranged minds but who prepare carefully. Moreover, according to Barrett (41) some of these criminals have clean records prior to committing such offences with some obtaining guns from friends and relatives; nevertheless, fi xing background checks are worth doing, since they may deter some criminals and imposition of the 2nd Amendment rights would be minimal. The wake of elementary school massacre in Newtown Connecticut, there was a renewed ban on assault weapons with proponents

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Analyze the business environment of China Essay

Analyze the business environment of China - Essay Example However, even if only economic considerations are used, we can see that economic trends justify investment in China. As indicated by Figure 1, which is a graph of year-on-year growth on every quarter of the year from 2006 to 2010 latest figures, the real economy of China has been growing within the neighborhood of 10% per annum during the last 4 years. It can be deduced from Figure 1 that the source of Chinese economic growth is mainly internal rather than external. The contribution of net exports in the last four years was from about negative to about half of real growth. However, even in periods where net exports have been decreasing at a high 10%, Chinese economic growth has continued to be in the neighborhood of 10%, confirming that growth is largely internally driven rather than driven by exports. Looking at figure 2, we also see that despite the uncertainties and threat of a global crisis in 2009 arising from the crisis in the United States originating from its sub-prime housing market, real economic growth in China has remained respectable at around 5 or 6%. External conditions, especially US economic conditions, can affect China but based on the US crisis years of 2008, 2009, and 2010, the effect will not be of a magnitude that will drive Chinese economic growth into the negative territory. The real economic growth from 2001 to 2010 is likely over and above the Chinese annual population growth, implying that with the economic growth; the quality of life in China is more likely improving. Or, at least, the growth figures are of the type that has the potential to significantly improve the quality of life for many of the people of China. Figure 2 is also showing that China has ceased to be an agricultural country. First, growth figures are higher in industry and services sectors rather than agriculture. Second, growth in the agricultural sector

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Biography on elizabeth barrett browning Research Paper

Biography on elizabeth barrett browning - Research Paper Example In The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1897), there is a chronological account of how her love for the Mr. Browning’s poems grew into their friendship, secret courtship and eventually marriage and elopement. These letters provide a kind of an impossible love for a determined couple complicated by illness and an unforgiving father. As such, she was disinherited for choosing to marry Mr. Browning without his father’s consent. Sonnets from the Portuguese (1850) is a collection of love poems which was inspired by the pure and true love of her husband. Although she had suffered a lot in life, her illness, the death of her mother and her closest brother, she expresses love in a very sentimental way especially in the poem How Do I Love Thee?. This poem has attracted a lot of relevance in poetic romance. She expresses spirituality in her testimonies about how much she loves her husband. This poem has surpassed her even after death as it is prevalently celebrated in modern weddings. Elizabeth’s father owned an enormous estate which was founded on slavery as workers were underpaid and worked under very poor conditions. However, Elizabeth was overtly opposed to human slavery and social injustices and spoke about the struggle of slaves in her poem, A Curse for a Nation from the collection Poems Before Congress

Monday, August 26, 2019

Sexism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Sexism - Essay Example Gender would be considered as a social construction. The opportunities and treatment that face people would largely be presented in reference to such a person’s sex, hence a form of discrimination referred to as sexism. Benatar defines sexism as economic and cultural structures that create and propagate rigid. and elaborate sex-marking and sex-announcing patterns that cause division of the species based on sex into subordinates and dominators. Sexism would thus be considered as systemic where the system favours those with overall power. It is basically the wrongful discrimination of a person on the basis of such a person’s sex. The wrongfulness of this discrimination could be out of individual beliefs about a particular sex or because such a discrimination would unjustly harm the discriminated persons. The dominance of one sex in any society would imply that there is a sex that is being oppressed. Benatar (12) introduces first sexism in reference to cases where girls ha ve been victimised. These girls and women have been killed due to their female sex in places where there is strong preference for sons, referred to as female infanticide. Widows would also be forced to end their lives in the name of rituals such as the India’s sati. Neglect could also cause deaths of girls and women especially in times of short food supplies in communities where sons would be prioritised as girls would be left to die out of malnutrition. Many millions of girls have been deprived of education as the boys on the other hand would be provided with education. Even in places where girls would be allowed to access primary education, the ladder tilts to favour the boys in higher education. In Saudi Arabia, women have been prohibited from riding motorcycles or bicycles or driving vehicles. Sexism through language Language has perpetuated male dominance through trivialising, ignoring and sexualising women. The use of he in cases of unspecified sex and the generic term mankind in reference to humanity are some example in English that enhance sexism. Additionally, promiscuity would usually be applied to women only. Towards the end of the 20th Century, gender neutral language had been promoted and has been largely attributed to feminism rise. This language avoids gender specific titles and other usage considered to be sexist. Supporters argue that gender specific title and pronouns exhibits systemic bias that excludes people based on their gender. Their proponents however argue that promoting gender neutral language would lead to grammatical distortion of meaning. Other languages around the world, in contrast to the western Indo-European languages had gender specific pronouns arise recently in the early 20th Century. Turkish is one of the examples. Colonialism saw most cultures revolutionise in an attempt to be modernised or westernised through addition of gender specific pronouns. As a result, about a century ago, these gender neutral pronouns beca me gender specific. Sexism in mass communication media Mass media, including movies, newspapers, television and magazines widely reflect what the society assumes about gender. Movies, particularly pornography objectifies gender by depicting scenes where women would be coerced, humiliated, dominated or even sexually assaulted. It entails psychological, physical or economic coercion of the women folk to perform and model in such movies. But with the modern rise in feminism, magazines have largely been concerned with the achievements of women. Despite this, various magazines still define women in reference to men behind them. Eitzen and Baca-Zinn (268) document studies which have shown that

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Cold War and U.S. Diplomacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

The Cold War and U.S. Diplomacy - Essay Example 20). Throughout the tenure of John F Kennedy, the nuclear arms race with the USSR and the Cold War remained his prime concerns. As a president and a statesman the spread of communism happened to be the point of focus for John F Kennedy and he considered the onus of wresting a containment of communism as the pivotal priority of the United States of America (Bose, 1998). What were the characteristics and ramifications of the containment strategy eschewed by Kennedy? Kennedy believed that Soviet Union was a potent and implacable enemy that aspired to spread its sway over the world in general and in the Western Hemisphere in particular. Thereby Kennedy laid emphatic stress on the need to maintain a balance of power against the Soviet Union even at the cost of curtailing other salient imperatives (Bose, 1998, p. 23). On the one side Kennedy’s containment doctrine envisaged to curtail the military threat posed by the Soviet Union to the allies and the United States and on the other side it intended to contain the Soviet influence owing to the political and economic ramifications of a possible spread of the communist doctrine (Bose, 1998)). Thereby, considering the military and politico-economic possibilities inherent in the expansion of Soviet influence, the crux of the Kennedy doctrine was to limit the spread of communism in countries across the world. ... The one salient theme of Kennedy’s containment doctrine was the assertion that as United States had the wherewithal and the capacity to influence and control events at the international level, thereby the nation must play a proactive role in actually doing so. Enunciate some of the international events and crisis situations that highlighted the implications of President Kennedy’s containment doctrine? Containment doctrine evinced multiple political and tactical ramifications during Kennedy’s tenure. Kennedy approved the Bay of Pigs invasion which involved the invasion of Cuba by a force of CIA trained Cuban exiles in 1961 (Higgins, 1987, p. 161). This invasion enjoyed an active encouragement and support from the Kennedy administration (Higgins, 1987). Sadly the entire force of the trained Cuban exiles was either killed or captured and Kennedy publicly owned the responsibility for the failure of this invasion (Higgins, 1987). The Bay of Pigs invasions illustrated the commitment of the Kennedy government to curtail the communist influence in the Western Hemisphere. The 1961 Berlin Crisis happened to be the last major politico-military confrontation between the USSSR and the US on the European soil that saw much diplomatic initiative on the part of Kennedy administration, in tandem with the salient containment doctrine. The Berlin crisis was initiated by the USSSR as it asked for an unconditional withdrawal of the Western forces from the West Berlin (Barnes, 2005, p. 194). This crisis culminated with the partition of Berlin and the erection of the Berlin Wall (Barnes, 2005, p. 195). In pursuance of his policy of containment, Kennedy responded to the Berlin Crisis by initiating a significant increase

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Gun shooting problems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Gun shooting problems - Essay Example These laws vary widely and there is a need of promotions or campaigns to enhance public awareness. Following measures can be taken in order to prevent gun shooting at schools. There are many varieties of solutions each has different grades of expense and levels of security. These are designing of laws and policies to inhibit children from gaining access to guns, equipping all school entries, as well as all related rooms, with bulletproof doors within a school that automatically lock upon shutting, lower technology doors that should be opened only from the inside or from the outside with keys, introduction of jamblock, a portion of steel that can rapidly be protected under a classroom door, efficiently locking it and significantly reducing the movement of anyone determined on breaking in and Having metal sensors or .,detectors at the secure entry. 4. Social and cultural contexts: Crisis in youth culture educational institutions, especially public schools, Widespread availability and acceptance of guns, Drugs and medications, bullying, media and video games, areas with a strong conservative religious population Today in United States increasing gun violence in school and other areas of society become a serious national and social issue. The United States has been suffering from prevalent levels of gun violence yearly. There are greater than 100,000 Americans who become victims of gun violence every year according to US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Gun ownership is prevalent in United States and gun violence is rampant. Fatal school shootings at a widespread variety of schools have claimed over 400 undergraduates and faculty lives since columbine. In summer 2012, there have been may well publicized school shootings in America. On February 10, 2012 in Walpole, 14 year old students shoot himself in front of his fellow students. Former classmates opened fire on three students and kill them and injured six

Friday, August 23, 2019

Letter of recommendation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Letter of recommendation - Essay Example Of specific importance to me as her former supervisor was Kathren’s spirit of team work, enthusiastic embrace of change, working with minimal or no supervision as well as steadfast dedication to exceeding patients’ anticipations .I constantly got unsolicited praise from patients commending Kathren’s exceptional service level ,follow through and professionalism. Kathren is dedicated, reliable and forever enthusiastic. Her ability to keep patients calm and contented is amazing. Kathren while working with us was able to competently carry on with our exceptionally intense and demanding patient load while at the same maintaining a positive and lively attitude in addition to treating every patient with much respect. Kathren’s professionalism is faultless in addition to being self-motivated and well organized. During the course of each day Kathren was tasked with interacting with various patients by taking their medical histories and subsequent recording of them in every patient’s electronic medical record file, examining and looking out for vital signs, drawing blood, administering injections as well as collecting various lab specimens. When requested to cover for clerical staff responsible for such roles as scheduling appointments, answering phones, authenticating insurance coverage as well as responding to patient’s queries, Kathren gladly did so with a positive attitude with no complaints at all. Kathren, in addition has always been a dependable and reliable team player together with being well-liked and respected not only by the patients but also fellow co-workers and doctors. Kathren has demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt a distinctive talent for calming both children as well as elderly patients especially the ones too sick, in pain or too anxious regarding their examinations. In conclusion, it is my sincere hope that Kathren will be seriously considered for the post of medical assistant open at

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Australian Migration Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Australian Migration Law - Assignment Example There is no application charge. The applicant must in Australia, but not in immigration clearance. Also, one of the conditions for the bridging visa is that the applicant has made a valid application for a substantive visa that has not been finally determined. He is a person who is immigration cleared. You may continue your work as welder under this visa. However, I am concerned that you have told your employer that you hold permanent residence visa when you know you do not. While the position in Australia for those seeking employment is quite generous, you would do well to inform your employer about your actual visa status forthwith, even if it costs you your job. It is better to go through some hardship for a short time rather than complicate matters with information you would be hard put to substantiate at a later stage. The provisions of the Australian Migration Act 1958 and 1994, and other legislation relating to migration procedure make it abundantly clear that information provided in the visa application form are truthful and accurate. (Code of Conduct, p.3) While on the subject, I may inform you that there is clear... Code of Ethics Now I must highlight certain issues I have felt strongly about and I am duty bound to bring to your notice. The provisions of the Australian Migration Act 1958 and 1994, and other legislation relating to migration procedure make it abundantly clear that information provided in the visa application form are truthful and accurate. (Code of Conduct, p.3) You could retain your employment status under any one of the visa subclasses, if need be. The bridging visa is sufficient to allow continuance of your current job status, if your employer permits. While on the subject, I may inform you that there is clear-cut delineation between truths and falsehoods, rights and wrongs, facts and fiction. Most often it depends upon circumstances and situations, and where or how far away you stand from the dividing line. The visa application form you are required to fill gives you enough scope to state your particulars clearly and unambiguously without unduly affecting your job prospects. From the information I could gather from you, your status as law-abiding citizen is unblemished. Other than this, as ETA holder, you are quite well placed to apply for the appropriate visa and formally obtain the position you wish to secure in this country. The only criteria necessary in achieving objectives is presentation of facts as they stand in your individual case and how capable you are on supporting these facts. These facts depend upon the data available with you. It does no good to gloss over one's true position by resorting to misrepresentations and half-truths. By all accounts, integrity is a great personal asset and must be treated as such. Customs, traditions and the

Summary of Cooking Terms Essay Example for Free

Summary of Cooking Terms Essay The following is an alphabetical list of terms that describe ways of applying heat to foods. Basic cooking methods described earlier are included, as are more specific applications of these basic methods. BAKE To cook foods by surrounding them with hot, dry air. Similar to roast, but the term bake usually applies to breads, pastries, vegetables and fish. BARBECUE (1)To cook with dry heat created by the burning of hard wood or by the hot coals of this wood. (2) Loosely, to cook over hot coals, such as on grill or spit, often with a seasoned marinade or basting sauce. BLANCH. To cook an item partially and very briefly in boiling water or in hot fat. Usually a pre-preparation technique, as to loosen peels of vegetables, fruits, and nuts, to partially cook French fries or other foods before service, to prepare for freezing, or to remove undesirable flavors. BOIL To cook in water or other liquid that is bubbling rapidly, about 21. 2 degrees F (100 degrees C) at sea level and at normal pressure BRAISE (1)To cook covered in a small amount of liquid, usually after preliminary browning. (2) To cook certain vegetables slowly in a small amount of liquid without preliminary browning. BROIL To cook with radiant heat from above DEEP-FRY To cook submerged in hot fat. DEGLAZE To swirl a liquid in a saute pan, roast pan, or other pan to dissolve cooked particles of food remaining on the bottom. DRY-HEAT COOKING METHODS Methods in which heat is conducted to foods without the use of moisture. FRY To cook in hot fat GLAZE To give shine to the surface of a food by applying a sauce, aspic, sugar, or icing, and/or by browning or melting under a broiler or salamander or in an oven. GRIDDLE To cook on a flat, solid cooking surface called a griddle. GRILL To cook on an open grid over a heat source. MOIST-HEAT COOKING METHODS Methods in which heat is conducted to foods by water or other liquid (except fat) or by steam. PAN-BROIL To cook uncovered in a skillet or saute pan without fat. PAN-FRY To cook in a moderate amount of fat in an uncovered pan. (EN) PAPILLOTE Wrapped in paper (or sometimes foil) for cooking so the enclosed food is steamed in its own moisture. PARBOIL To cook partially in a boiling or simmering liquid. PARCOOK To cook partially by any method. POACH To cook gently in water or other liquid that is hot but not actually bubbling, 160 degrees to 180 degrees F (71 degrees to 82 degrees C). REDUCE. To cook by simmering or boiling until the quantity of liquid is decreased, often to concentrate flavors. ROAST To cook foods by surrounding them with hot, dry air in an oven or on a spit in front of an open fire. SAUTE To cook quickly in a small amount of fat, usually while mixing or tossing the foods by occasionally flipping the pan. SEAR To brown the surface of a food quickly at a high temperature. SIMMER To cook in water or other liquid that is bubbling gently, 185 degrees to 205 degrees F (85 degrees to 96 degrees C). SMOKE-ROAST To cook with dry heat in the presence of smoke, as on a rack over wood chips in a covered pan. SOUS VIDE Vacuum-packed. Refers to techniques for cooking foods that are packaged under vacuum in plastic bags. STEAM To cook by direct contact with steam. STEW To simmer or braise a food or foods in a small amount of liquid, which is usually served with the food as a sauce. STIR-FRY To cook quickly in a small amount of fat by tossing cut-up foods in a wok or pan with spatulas or similar implements. Similar to saute, except the pan is stationary. SWEAT To cook slowly in fat without browning, sometimes under a cover. FIVE-SPICE CHICKEN WITH VEGETABLES Ingredients: †¢ 2 tbsp sesame oil †¢ 1 garlic clove, chopped. †¢ 3 spring onions, trimmed and sliced †¢ 1 tbsp corn flour †¢ 2 tbsp rice wine †¢ 4 skinless chicken breasts, cut into strips †¢ 1 tbsp Chinese five-spice powder †¢ 1 tbsp grated fresh ginger †¢ 125 ml/4 fl oz chicken stock †¢ 100 g/3 ? oz baby corn cobs, sliced †¢ 300 g/10 ? oz bean sprouts †¢ Finely chopped spring onions to garnish(optional) †¢ Freshly cooked jasmine rice, (to serve) Procedure 1. Heat the oil in a preheated wok or large frying pan. Add the garlic and spring onions and stir-fry over medium-high heat for 1 minute. 2. In a bowl, mix together the corn flour and rice wine, then add the mixture to the pan. Stir-fry for 1 minute, then add the chicken, five-spice powder, ginger and chicken stock and cook for another 4 minutes. Add the corn cobs and cook for 2 minutes, then add the bean sprouts and cook for another minute. 3. Remove from the heat, garnish with chopped spring onions, if using, and serve with freshly cooked jasmine rice. SHINJAGA Ingredients: †¢ 1 ? lb new potatoes †¢ 1 tbsp vegetable oil †¢ 4 tbsp Kikkoman †¢ 2 tbsp sugar †¢ 1 tbsp mirin Procedure: 1. Wash and scrub new potatoes 2. Put them in a deep pan and pour enough water to cover them. 3. Bring to a boil on high heat. 4. Turn down the heat to medium and cook about 10 minutes or until softened. 5. Drain potatoes in strainer. 6. Mix Kikkoman, mirin, and sugar in a small cup and set aside. 7. Heat oil in a large pan on medium heat and fry potatoes until lightly browned. 8. Pour the sauce mixture over the potatoes. 9. Shake the pan to let the sauce coat new potatoes over high heat. Stop the heat. CORDON BLEU Ingredients: †¢ chicken breast fillet (marinated seasoned with pepper salt) †¢ bread crumbs †¢ egg †¢ oil †¢ toothpicks †¢ cheese †¢ ham Procedure: 1. Put the chicken fillet in a flat surface. Then add cheese and ham on top of the chicken fillet. Roll it and use the toothpicks to hold it. 2. Dip the rolled chicken fillet in the egg and roll it in the bread crumbs. 3. Deep-fry until golden brown. 4. Remove the toothpick when serving. FISH FILLET Ingredients: †¢ fish(Dory) †¢ calamansi †¢ seasoning †¢ egg bread crumbs †¢ mayonnaise Procedure: 1. Slice the fish. 2. Mix the calamansi and the egg with the fish. 3. Add a little bit seasoning on it. 4. Dip the fish on the bread crumbs. 5. Deep-fry it until it becomes golden brown. 6. After cooking, place the mayonnaise on a small bowl for you to dip your fish on it. SQUASH MIX Ingredients: †¢ oil †¢ egg †¢ squash (grated) †¢ cornstarch. Procedure: 1. Mix the grated squash and the egg. 2. Add cornstarch to the mixture. 3. Fry it. CRUNCHY CHICKEN FINGERS Ingredients: FOR CHICKEN FINGERS †¢ ? kilo chicken breast fillet, sliced into 1 inch thick strips †¢ 1 8g MAGGI MAGIC SARAP †¢ 1 cup all purpose flour †¢ 2 cups finely crushed NESTLE cornflakes †¢ 2 eggs, beaten †¢ Cooking oil for frying FOR TROPICAL CHILI SAUCE †¢ ? cup sweet-chili †¢ 1 tsp MAGGI MAGIC SARAP †¢ ? cup water †¢ Pineapple tidbits †¢ Salt to taste Procedure: 1. Rub MAGGI MAGIC SARAP on chicken strips and let it sit for at least 15 minutes. 2. Coat chicken strips in flour. Dip in egg then roll in crushed cornflakes. 3. Fry chicken strips until golden brown. Drain using paper towels to remove excess oil. Serve with Tropical Chili Sauce on the side. SWEET AND SOUR FISH Ingredients: †¢ 2-3 lbs red snapper, whole fish †¢ 4 tbsp vegetable oil †¢ 1 tbsp salt †¢ ? tsp ground pepper †¢ 2 tbsp soy sauce †¢ ? cup apple cider vinegar or white vinegar †¢ ? water †¢ ? cup brown sugar †¢ 1 large chopped onion †¢ 6 tbsp minced garlic †¢ ? cup ginger, julienned †¢ ? cup carrot, julienned †¢ ? cup red bell pepper †¢ ? cup scallion, julienned (spring onions) †¢ 1 tbsp sifted flour Procedure: 1. Clean the fish and slit it open. Let it stand for few minutes and drain well. 2. Sprinkle fish with 1 tbsp salt 3. In a medium skillet, heat the oil and fry the fish until brown. Remove the fish from the pan and set aside. 4. In the same skillet, saute the garlic until light brown, then saute onion. 5. Add salt and white pepper. Stir in ginger, scallions, carrot and red bell pepper. 6. Add soy sauce, vinegar, water and sugar. Salt and pepper to taste. 7. When the mixture boils, add the flour to thicken. Then, add the fish. 8. Cover the skillet and simmer for 5 minutes. PINAKBET Ingredients: †¢ okra †¢ eggplant †¢ squash †¢ MAGGI magic sarap †¢ Tomato †¢ Garlic †¢ Onion †¢ Salt †¢ Umami †¢ Oyster sauce. †¢ Cabbage Procedure: 1. Saute garlic and onion. 2. Add a little amount of water and put vegetables. 3. Add oyster sauce. 4. Season it with MAGGI magic sarap, salt umami. 5. Taste it and adjust flavors if needed. 6. Serve hot. RELLENONG TALONG Ingredients: †¢ egg †¢ eggplant †¢ ground pork †¢ garlic †¢ onion †¢ oil †¢ salt Procedure: 1. Fry the ground pork. 2. Slice the eggplant in the middle and get the inner part of the eggplant. 3. Mix the pork, garlic onion add salt to season it. 4. Then put the cooked pork in the middle of the sliced eggplant then, put the eggplant in the pan and put egg to close the eggplant.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Power generation

Power generation Introduction The availability of electricity and its per capita consumption is often regarded as an index of national standard of living in the present day civilization. The amount of power generated is a sign of growing gross national products which reflects prosperity of the people. Energy goes in tandem with progress. The lack of it and inadequate measure can throttle the entire economic activity and well being of the country. Therefore, energy is considered as the most basic input for any country for keeping the wheels of its economy moving. Electricity is an easy form of energy which can be produced easily, transported easily, can be used easily and also controlled easily. Power plants are used to produce electricity in bulk quantities. However, in a developing country like India, the demand for power is increasing at a very rapid rate. As a result the use of renewable forms of energy is being increased and at the same time actions are being taken to improve the overall efficiency of the existing power plants. Combined cycle power plant couples a steam and a gas power plant in order to improve the overall efficiency to 70%. This combined cycle recovers much of the exhaust energy and uses it further to drive a steam or gas turbine or a district heating plant. As a result, there is an increase in the power produced and at the same time it reduces additional cost and the generating cost. There are many other benefits of a combined cycle power plants. Benefits like high efficiency and low environment impact are the most important. In todays world, emission levels of all kinds of fuels must meet stringent regulations acceptable to the countrys government. It is therefore important for power producers to invest in plants which have low emissions level. Risk mitigation and public acceptance are paramount. Combined cycle plants especially those which use natural gas or other renewable resources are a good choice for low emissions. Carbon dioxide emissions and other gases produced in a combined cycle power plant are much lower than other fossil fuel technologies. Power Generation System Simple Power Plant Cycle A simple power plant generation cycle utilizes only a single thermodynamic cycle at a time. It converts the energy stored in fossil fuels into shaft work and ultimately into electricity. It uses water which is generally in the liquid state and sometimes even in the vapor state, as the working medium. The energy which is released by the burning the fuel is used to heat water and convert it to steam which is then further used to run a turbine to generate electricity. The steam which leaves the turbine is sent to a condenser such that the water can be re used. However, the efficiency of a simple cycle is still less and large amount of exhaust is emitted at the end of the cycle. The efficiency of a simple power plant is given by: ÃŽ ®(cycle) =W(net)/Q(1)=W(T)-W(P)/Q(1)=Q(1)-Q(2)/Q(1) =1-Q (2)/Q (1) The major components of a simple power plant cycle are as follows: (i). Compressor (ii). Combustor (iii). Power turbine (iv). Generator In a simple power plant as seen, ambient air is filtered and then compressed to a pressure of 14 to 30 bar (190 to 420 psig). As the air is compressed its pressure increases which in turn are used to burn the fuel producing hot gases with a temperature generally higher than 1,000 degree Celsius. This then expands in a turbine driving the compressor and generator. The expanded hot gases leave the turbine at ambient pressure and at a temperature between 450 to 650 degree Celsius depending on the turbine efficiency, pressure ratio, and turbine inlet temperature. Such a power plant has 35% efficiency only. Gas Compressor It is a mechanical device which is used for increasing the pressure of a gas by decreasing its volume. Generally air is used in a power plant for compression, however, oxygen, nitrogen and other gases are also compressed. There are three general types of compressors, namely, positive displacement, axial and centrifugal. Positive displacement compressors may be reciprocating piston type, in which the gas is taken in during the suction stroke of the piston, and is compressed by decreasing the volume of the gas by moving the piston in the opposite direction. Centrifugal compressors use high speed impeller to increase the energy of the gas which is then converted into pressure in the diffuser. They are used to compress large volume of gas to moderate pressures. In Axial compressors gas is made to flow parallel to the axis of rotation of the rotor which in turn contains a number of rows of blades. As the gas passes through the blades its energy increases which is converted into pressure. This type of compressor is used for jet aircraft engines and gas turbines. Combustor It is a part of turbine where the combustion takes place. In a gas turbine, air enters the first combustion chamber after the compressor. Here, fuel is mixed with the compressed air and the exhaust is then used to drive the turbine to obtain work. A combustor should fulfill the four basic conditions: (i). Supply enough air for complete combustion of air. (ii). Secure enough turbulence for thorough mixing of fuel and air. (iii). Maintain a furnace temperature high enough to ignite the incoming fuel air mixture. (iv). Provide a furnace volume large enough to allow time for combustion to be completed. It is important to determine the right amount of oxygen that should enter the combustor. Amounts of Carbon-di-oxide and oxygen are indicators of excess air. If the amount of oxygen is more in the combustor than the required amount, it will burn fuel more rapidly and the efficiency would reduce. A combustor has three main components, namely, the outer casing which is the high pressure container, the combustion chamber, and the fuel injection system. [1][4] Turbine A steam turbine is a prime mover which continuously converts the energy of high-pressure, high temperature steam supplied by a steam generator into shaft work with the low temperature steam exhausted to a condenser. This energy conversion essentially occurs in two steps: (i). The high pressure, high temperature steam first expands in nozzles and comes out at high velocity. (ii). The high velocity jets of steam coming out of the nozzles, impinge on the blades mounted on a wheel, get deflected by an angle and suffer a loss of momentum which is absorbed by the rotating wheel in producing torque. A steam turbine is basically an assemblage of nozzles and blades. The fig of a Turbine is given below. Many types of turbines are used in Power Plants, namely: 1. Steam turbines are used for electricity generation in thermal power plants, i.e. plants using coal and fuel. 2. Gas turbines are also called turbine engines. Every turbine is provided with an emergency control lever which can immediately shut down the running of turbines in case a catastrophy occurs. Each power plant has a fixed turbine rotation rate. These rates at which the turbines rotate are different for different process. In a power plant the turbines fail to operate if: 1. Shaft speed exceeds 3300 rpm 2. The lubrication system fails 3. Turbine balancing is not proper 4. Temperature of plant increases 5. Cooling mechanisms not working properly Control And Supervisory Instruments: Many control and supervisory instruments are provided for the safe and effective operation of a turbine. They are as follows: 1. Pressure gauges are used to monitor the pressure of main steam at various valves. 2. Thermometers are used to record temperatures at every valve and in the combustor valve. 3. A Speed recorder is used to monitor the turbine rpm all the time and in case its speed increases beyond a set value then it is deactivated. 4. Watt meters and voltmeters are used to determine the steam and heat rates at various points in the process. 5. A trip control lever is provided in case of an emergency. Generator It is a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. A steam generator generates steam at the desired pressure and temperature by burning fuel in its furnace. A generator forces electric charges to be in motion through an exterior electrical circuit, but it does not create electricity or charge, which is already present in the wire of its windings. As it can be seen from Fig 4, heat is produced in a generator because of losses caused by current flow in the stator and field windings. This affects the temperature in the generator. By using cooling mechanisms such an event can be avoided. Generators are usually cooled using hydrogen at very high pressures say at 3 bars. Hydrogen is used since its specific heat is the highest and its molecular weight is the least. Combined Cycle Power Generation The Carnot efficiency is the efficiency of an ideal thermal process. Generally the efficiencies of some processes are less since there are a large amount of losses involved. Thus, a distinction between energetic and exergetic losses is drawn. Energetic losses are mainly losses incurred due to heat, and are thus the energy lost in the process. Exergetic losses are internal losses caused by irreversible processes in accordance with the second law of thermodynamics. The process efficiency can be improved by raising the maximum temperature in the cycle, releasing the waste water at a lower temperature or by improving the process to minimize the internal exergetic losses. The interest in combined cycles arises particularly from these considerations. Although, no single cycle can make all the improvements. It thus seems reasonable to combine two cycles to one. Supplementary firing may raise the exhaust temperature to around 900 degree Celsius. Also, high gas temperature raises the condition of steam which in turn improves the efficiency of a power plant. The two thermodynamic cycles generally used in a combined cycle power generation are Brayton cycle and Rankine cycle. Brayton Cycle In Brayton cycle the air is first compressed and then at constant pressure reversibly heat is added to it. Due to this, expansion of air takes place in the turbine. This leads to emission of hot gases at a constant pressure which helps in bringing it to the initial state. The Brayton cycle consists of 4 cycles in total, out of which two are reversibly isentropic and the other two are reversible adiabatic. Also a Brayton cycle is called as the air standard cycle for the gas turbine power plant. [1] Cycle Processes: A. 1-2 Isentropic Compression (q = 0) B. 2-3 Isobaric Heat Addition (w = 0) C. 3-4 Isentropic Expansion (q = 0) D. 4-1 Isobaric Heat Rejection (w = 0) Rankine Cycle We can use a hypothetical value for every process in the vapor power cycle which represents its basic intended operation and something which does not produce any extraneous effect. From the steam boiler, it is used as a constant pressure heating process to convert water to form steam, for the turbine as an ideal reversible adiabatic expansion of steam, for the condenser it is a reversible constant pressure heat rejection as the steam condenses till it becomes saturated liquid, and for the pump, the ideal process is the reversible adiabatic compression of this liquid ending at the initial pressure. When all these four processes are ideal, the cycle is called a Rankine cycle. There are four basic steps in a Rankine cycle: Step1-2: working fluid is pumped to high pressure from its initially low pressure state. This process requires low energy. Step2-3: the high pressure working fluid then enters a boiler where it is heated continuously such that it becomes dry saturated vapour. Step 3-4: the dry saturated vapour is then used to turn the blades of a turbine to generate power. The temperature and pressure of the working fluid decreases. Step 4-1: the wet vapour then enters a condenser where it is condensed to become a saturated liquid. District Heating A district heating system uses hot water to bring heat to towns and communities rather than using electrical power. This technology is quite old. The oldest district heating system which is still in operation was used to warm a French village from geothermal hot springs in the fourteenth century. Later on, US were the first country to use the process of district heating in plants. A steam district heating system has been in use by the US Naval Academy since 1852. The first commercial system began in Denver in as early as 1880. As of today, nearly 30,000 district heating plants are working in the US and there are a thousand more around the world. A district heating plant contains insulated pipes which carry hot water from the plant to various sites. Also these pipes are interconnected between various buildings through a junction point as can be seen from Fig 7. From these junction points, hot water is taken from the mains to a heat exchanger which is also called a heat sub-station and present inside each building. Because of this the heating circuit which is present inside each building can be isolated from the main heating system. A temperature sensor is present on the heat substation which monitors the temperature of water at all times. Also a meter is attached, which calculates the amount of water consumed by each apartment or building and are charged accordingly. To ensure safe and smooth running of the plant, human intervention is reduced by running the plant automatically. Advantages Of Combined Cycle Power generation The worldwide demand for combined cycle power plants is growing dramatically because of its large advantages, namely: (i). High overall plant efficiency: up to 70% can be obtained. (ii). Low investment costs: up to 30% lower than that required for a conventional steam power plant. (iii). Small amount of water required: amount of cooling water required is only about 40 to 50% as much as for a steam plant. (iv). Great operating flexibility: the simple steam cycle makes it possible to start up and shut down the plants quickly which also affects the efficiency. (v). Phased installation: because the gas turbines can go into operation much sooner than the steam plant, installation in stages is possible. The gas turbine can keep on generating power as the steam plant is under construction. This makes it possible to adjust the growth in demand for energy in a grid. (vi). Simplicity of operation: combined power plants are fully automatic and are suitable for operating where the operating staff is less experienced. (vii). Low environmental impact: because of their low emission levels and high efficiency, such plants are suitable for use in a heavily populated region. [1][5] Components Of A Combined Cycle Power Plant The major components of a combined cycle power plant are listed below: i. Fuel: Different types of fuel may be used, namely, natural gas, coal, oil, petrol, diesel or any other conventional source of energy. Generally, natural gas is used as primary fuel. Also, experiments are being conducted to use renewable sources of energy like solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, nuclear energy etc as the main source of fuel. Using renewable source if energy would decrease the cost of running the plant tremendously and increase the efficiency as well. [2] ii. HRSG (Heat Recovery Steam Generator): HRSG is a heat exchanger. It is the link between the gas turbine and the steam turbine process. It is used to recover heat from a hot gas stream. It produces steam that can be used in a process. HRSG are commonly used in a combined-cycle power station, in which the exhaust is fed to the HRSG to generate steam which in-turn drives a steam turbine.There are three main types of HRSGs, namely: 1. HRSG without supplementary firing. 2. HRSG with supplementary firing. 3. Steam generators with maximum supplementary firing. HRSG without supplementary firing are the most common. Its main function is to convert the exhaust energy of gas turbine into steam. [2] iii. Deaerator: the main function of a Deaerator is to remove air and other dissolved gases from the water or steam in gas/steam cycle. This is necessary as the high oxygen content present in the steam/water corrodes the components of a plant along with the pipes. Generally, oxygen content of more than 7 to 10 parts per billion(ppb) is highly dangerous. Deaeration should be done continually since small leakages of air at air flanges and pump seals in the part of the cycle vacuum cannot be avoided. The solubility of the gases increase at a higher temperature and low pressure. A Deaerator removes these gases by heating the feed water to the saturation temperature. This feed water then passes through a heat exchanger after which it is sprayed from the top. By coming in contact dissolved oxygen and carbon di oxide get released. The Deaerator is usually kept in between the feed water system such that the total pressure difference between the boiler and the condenser is shared equally betw een the condenser pump and the boiler feed pump. The Deaerator is not used water cooled nuclear power plants as there is a danger of radioactive substance release. There are two types of Deaerators: a. Tray type Deaerator b. Spray type Deaerator iv. Control System: In todays world almost all cycles are automated in order to improve the efficiency and at the same time reducing human intervention. Control system is to a power plant what a brain is for a human body. Supervision, control, performing operations in a safe and reliable environment, continuously checking for leakages and faults is all done by the Control System. For this reason, the control and automation systems of a combined cycle power plant form a relatively complex system even though the thermal process is fairly simple. Fully electronic control systems are employed in todays modern combined cycle plants. The main features of the control system for a combined cycle power plants are: 1. Truly distributed architecture 2. Complete range of functions for process control 3. Communication capability due to several bus levels 4. Compliance with standard communication protocol 5. Openness for third party applications 6. On-line programmability with easy creation/editing of the programs v. Cooling system: An engine that is not cooled will soon reach a temperature which will seriously harm its functioning. If the heat is too intense it can cause the lubricant to burn up, leading to souring of cylinders, burning of pistons and bearings or any of variety of other mechanical troubles. Especially in a power plant where combustion of fuel continuously takes place for power generation, excess heat is like an enemy which needs to remove as soon as it is generated, least it would be dangerous. Two types of cooling systems are used, Air cooling and Liquid cooling. vi. Cogeneration: It is the simultaneous generation of electricity and useful heat. It is basically a recycling process. In conventional power plants, the waste heat is released into the atmosphere. Cogeneration captures this heat and re uses it for industrial heating purposes. In processes like district heating temperatures up to 130Â °C can be reached. Manhattan is the biggest steam district in the world. Many European countries also make use of this technology. Using cogeneration a bottoming plant captures the byproduct heat for domestic and industrial purposes thus increasing the overall efficiency of a plant. Paper and textile mills, chemical factories, sugar factories etc are few of the many industries which use saturated steam as the desired temperature for many purposes like heating and drying. For constant heating or drying steam is used. Also, the industry also needs power to drive its various machines. For this purpose combined cycle plants which use cogeneration are used since it serves both the purposes. District Heating Through Cogeneration Cogeneration involves the production of both electricity and thermal energy simultaneously from a common fuel source. The rejected or exhaust heat is used here for the process of district heating. Other applications included Desalination cooling. District heating is the latest technology for heating of homes and buildings in cold places like Europe. Heat which is produced in the thermal section in form of hot water is transported to houses and other areas using insulated pipes, such that the temperature doesnt change and a separate boiler is not needed at the receiving end. Vapor Absorption System A vapor absorption system can be used in the process of district heating. This system uses Ammonia which has a relative lower boiling point than water. Thus, less heat is needed to heat the water. Later ammonia can be removed from the water-ammonia mixture and reused again. The flow chart for such a system is as follows: Advantages Of District Heating There are many advantages of using this technology. A few of them are as follows: 1. Heat is transported to the urban areas using a heat exchanger which has a longer life. 2. Water is the main carrier. It can be easily procured from sea (desalination) or underground water. 3. Heating equipment takes less space and can be easily installed. 4. It can be used all year along without ant breaks. 5. Efficiency is more. 6. Distribution system is controlled using Computer which automatically increases or decreases the amount of water being delivered, depending upon the needs. Operation Of A Combined Cycle Power Plant Usually a combined cycle power plants are operated automatically. There are switches available which make it possible to activate the starting or shutting down of the equipment from a central control room. The commands may be given by operating staff or from a high level starting program which runs automatically. The start and stop are decided on several parameters which are pre defined in the program. Because the plants have a shorter start up time and an even quicker load change capability, the combined cycle power plants are often called to be dynamic in its behaviour. It is also quick in reacting, thus it is capable of following up quick changes. [2][6] Modern CCPP in the 50-400 MW range can be started within the following times: For a combined cycle power plant, Start up procedure is divided into three stages: 1. HRSG purging 2. Speeding up and synchronization of Gas turbine 3. Speeding up and synchronization of Steam turbine Purging of the boilers is a very important process. It prevents any explosion from unburned hydrocarbons by running the gas turbine at a high ignition speed of about more than 30% of normal speed, which helps in blowing of air through the HRSG. Purging then depends on the volume of gas left behind in the gas turbine. After the purging has been done, the gas turbines run at nominal speed, synchronized and loaded to the desired level. [7] Programmable Logic Controller Plc Definition A programmable Logic Controller, which is generally called as PLC, is a state of the art, digital industrial computer. A programmable logic controller is an industrial computer in which control devices such as limit switches, push buttons, temperature sensors or pressure sensors provide incoming control signals into the unit. An incoming control signal is called an Input. Incoming control signals interact with instructions specified in the user ladder program, which tells the PLC how to react to the incoming signals. The user program also directs the PLC on how to control the field devices like starter lights. A signal going out of the PLC to control a field device is called an Output. [5] Advantages Of Plc The main advantages of using PLC in the field are as follows: (i). Gain complete control of the manufacturing process (ii). Achieve consistency in automation (iii). Improve quality and accuracy (iv). Work in difficult hazardous condition (v). Shorten time to market (vi). Lower the cost of quality, scrap and rework (vii). Offer greater product variety (viii). Control inventory[5] How Does PLC Work Microprocessor is the main working brain of all the computers. The computers microprocessor, which is technically known as the central processing unit (CPU), supervises many controls and instructions as defined by the user. The microprocessor responds to the input signals and follows the instruction that it has been programmed to do. When the PLC is running and is following the programmers instructions it is called as solving the user problem. PLCs follow the instructions that are stored inside their memory. Also they may store programs for future use. Each instruction that has been entered will be placed inside the memory in the increasing order. These lists of instructions are called as a Ladder diagram. A basic PLC and its components are shown below. The instructions that are required to be carried out are transferred to the memory of the controller using a computer. The ladder diagram is made by the user using various kinds of latches, timers, counters and other accessories available with the software. After the ladder diagram has been verified and corrected, we download the program into the processors memory. Downloading basically means transferring the program from a personal computers memory to the logic controllers memory. Before downloading a user program, the processor must be in the program mode. After downloading the entire program all the wires have to be connected properly unless the required outputs would not be shown. Also, one can download the program as many number of times as it may be required. The continual running of the program in the PLC is useful in continuously determining if any input is being changed by the user or not. This process is called scanning. According to the commands given and the kind of timers or counters used, the output would be shown which is basically turning of the output light, which is present on the right hand side of the controller. A PLC interfaced with a computer is shown below. The PLC has come a long way since the first time it was used for industry applications. In these years, the PLCs usage has been increased drastically. It has been designed to withstand the harsh temperature. Since mostly PLCs are employed in industries where the temperature is usually on a higher side, they have been made resistant to heat. It is for this reason it is called as industrially hardened device. Also PLCs are small and easy to store. Also they require minimum of space. Also PLC gives the user the ability to try new things. The PLC can easily be programmed for any number of times. The programs are developed from the ladder diagrams. As an industrial computer, the PLC can easily replace functions of timers or counters. Also any type of sequence can be tried on the software. Also these days functions like arithmetic and data manipulation or shift registers have been made available along with the software which has increased its range of operation. The main benefit of using PLC is easy troubleshooting. In industries ladder diagrams may span for many pages. As a result it becomes very difficult to identify the errors. However, PLC software comes with an inbuilt troubleshooting device which tells the user where errors have occurred, if any. This helps in easy identifying of the problem and saves precious time. PLC, thus, is a very important tool in industry usage. RS LOGIX 500 RSLogix is a used to run a particular or a full segment in an industry. RSLogix is a product of Allen-Bradley, which provide the best industry controllers. This software offers unbeatable productivity and is widely used in industries. A simpler version called RSLogix 500 was made by Allen-Bradley for laboratory purposes. I have used this software for interfacing different cycles in a combined cycle power plant. RSLogix 500 offers [5]: (i). Flexible easy to use editors (ii). Diagnostics (iii). Troubleshooting tools (iv). Time saving features and functionality Simulation On Rs Logix 500 The project was divided into three parts: 1. Brayton Cycle 2. Rankine Cycle 3. District Heating Ladder diagrams for each were constructed after thoroughly understanding each process in detail. Use of timers, counters and switches were made in the ladder diagrams to illustrate limit switches. Temperature and pressure values have been assumed and are not based on actual standards. RSLogix 500 provides with a large variety of instruction palettes, like normally open closed switches, timers, counters etc. Values of temperature and pressure sensors were assumed and are not based on factual data. Also, various kinds of up-counters and down-counters along with many types of timers were used in designing of the ladder diagrams. I started with designing of ladder diagram for Brayton cycle. Then I designed a Rankine cycle which uses the waste of Brayton cycle as the input and lastly I designed a District Heating plant which uses the wasteful outputs of both Brayton and Rankine cycles. A Combined Cycle Power Plant increases the efficiency of a power plant by almost double. As a result, its usage is increasing globally as more and more simple plants are being converted to combined cycle power plants. Given below is the figure of an instruction palette as seen in the software. After the Ladder logic is entered, the whole file or project is verified without errors and is given access for download. The figure for the same is given below: Brayton Cycle The ladder diagram is as shown below. It has a lower efficiency than a steam cycle. The above figure shows the ladder diagram for the Brayton Cycle. The first rung illustrates the fuel which is supplied. I have taken Natural gas as the main source of fuel and Diesel for emergencies. The fuel mixes with Air. The ratio of fuel: air is about 1:30. A timer which acts like a pressure sensor is attached in parallel with the compressor. Since this timer is attached to a done bit, it cuts off the fuel and air supply after 15 seconds. This is so done since it is assumed that after, say 15 seconds, the pressure in the compressor reaches 200 Bar. If the compressor is opened for more time, then the compressor might blow off because of extreme pressure. This pressure I have assumed is totally hypothetical and varies with the type of material used in the making of the compressor. After the air and fuel gets compressed i.e. the pressure increases and the volume decreases (according to Boyles law), then the compressor valve opens. The compressor mixture then enters a combustor wher e the combustion takes place. I have attached a up-counter in parallel with the combustor. The up-counter does the same function

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

History of Hauora Maori Trends and Paradigms

History of Hauora Maori Trends and Paradigms Student Name: YI LI Student ID: 12010316 Assessment Task 1 – Plan and Research of Hauora Maà ¶ri Trends and Paradigms from 1919 to the present day a) Introduction The research is investigated the trend of Maà ¶ri health which included the paradigms of cancer, obesity and diabetes in from 1919 to the present day. Maà ¶ri had the higher risk of suffering from these health diseases than non-Maà ¶ri population in Te Tai Tkerau (Northland). There is variety factors would affect these health issues, including cultural and historical socio-economic status, geographical place of residence, ethnic identity. According to Maà ¶ri concept, Hauora is a Maà ¶ri philosophy of health and well-bing unique to New Zealand, which include four accept: Physical Wellbeing, Mental and Emotional wellbeing, Social Wellbeing and Spiritual wellbeing. The purpose of the research was to identify the traditional approaches to Hauora, the issues of access to primary and secondary health service. To analysis the health service system in recent years of Te Tai Tkerrau area. b) Methodology Results of interview with local iwi, hapu and whanau The interview was holding on 1st October 2013 which included 10 Maà ¶ri who is suffering breast cancer, diabetes and obesity. Before the interview, the researcher was calling to explain the research and the purpose of the interview, communicating the plan and related details for the interview and other whanau members. A powhire was present. Then whaikorero was followed the karanga. A waiata was sung after each whaikorero by the group of the orator represents. Koha were exchanged between researcher and leader. Then was hongi and shared hakari. Notes were taken during the interview. Ethical and cultural considerations within a Hauora context Researcher understands the importance determining and meeting cultural requirements, relevant legislation, and ethical practice. Request the permission of the leader and future support. An appointment was made before the interview. Mihi and pepeha were performed. Private information of the participants was kept confidentiality, their name, pictures, and interview notes and so on. Available recourses Had interview with Whanau leader and members Marae visit Social Work Maà ¶ri tutor guidance Access to Northland District Health Board website Data collection Online research Online research is a major variety of literature for the study of research methods. The researcher research the main cause of cancer, diabetes, and obesity. As well as analysis the manifestations of three diseases. Statistical analysis Statistical analysis is for data collection, collation summary. To identify the Hauora Maà ¶ri trends of the three different diseases. The data for this is from the New Zealand Health Survey, conducted for the Ministry of Health. The paradigm is draw up to show compare the data between Maà ¶ri, Pacific and Non-Maà ¶ri and Non-Pacific who were living Te Tai Tokerau (Northland), during the 1980 to present day. Document analysis Document analysis mainly refers to the collection, identification, organize the literature, and through literature research, scientific understanding of the facts forming method. Therefore, the student researched the literature to find information about traditional approaches to hauora and issues of access to primary and secondary health services. Interview with the Whanau leader The five questions were asked which related to their recent health service provider as below: Are you satisfied with the current health services? Do you have family doctor? Have you seen your provider within the past 12 months? Do you usually going to a Maà ¶ri primary health provider first when unwell or injured? What different of health service between now and before? Tikanga Students used critical skills they had learned from discourse analysis to engage with participants’ talk. Acknowledging Tikanga helped the researcher to know the appropriate tikanga for a situation in order to make participant feel comfortable during the Hui. In addition, questions were designed and translated from English language to te reo MÄ ori me ngÄ  tikanga. c) Methodology According with Research Ethics and Tikanga Maà ¶ri Compete a literature review Literature review was conducted by researching for Hauora MÄ ori trends in Northland region. The information included diabetes, obesity and cancer. Sourcing of information Hapu leaders, whanau members, the internet, Tutors, lectures, document Procedures for recording and analyzing information Recording and analyzing were performed by notes, and computer. Maintained the quality of information with regards to recording of Ethnicity Recorded the consultation and discussion in where they took place. Presenting findings Findings were reported with evidences. Power point is needed Research findings are presented in papar. Assessment Task 2 – Analyze Research Regarding Hauora Maà ¶ri Trends and Paradigms from 1919 to the Present Day Cancer The cells of Cancer (Cancer Rates-Wairarapa DHB, 2010) Main cause of Cancer: The body in environmental pollution, chemical pollution Cancer is the bodys normal cells in a multi-cause, multi-stage and multiple mutations caused by a class of diseases. Cancer is not the definitive genetic disease, but there is growing evidence that cancer does have a genetic predisposition, have some genetic relationship Manifestations of Cancer are: Tumor: malignant proliferation of cancer cells are formed in the surface by hand or deep touch. Pain: pain often prompts cancer has entered the middle and late. Ulcers: Some cancer cancerous tissue growth surface quickly, nutrient supply, the resulting tissue necrosis. Bleeding: cancer vascular invasion or rupture of small blood vessels in cancer tissue generated. Obstruction: rapid growth of cancerous tissue caused by obstruction. Diabetes Diabetes is a group is characterized by high blood sugar metabolic diseases. Hyperglycemia is due to the biological effects of insulin secretion or impaired, or both causes. Longstanding diabetes high blood sugar , leading to a variety of organizations , especially the eyes , kidneys , heart, blood vessels, nerves , chronic damage , dysfunction . Main cause of Diabetes: Genetic factors Type 1 or type 2 diabetes are obvious genetic heterogeneity. The presence of diabetes onset familial tendency, 1/4 to 1/2 patients had family history of diabetes. Environmental factors Eating too much, reduced physical activity due to type 2 diabetes, obesity is the most important environmental factors that have type 2 diabetes, genetic predisposition morbidity. Type 1 diabetes patients immune system abnormalities, in some viruses such as Coxsackie virus, rubella virus, parotid gland virus infection causes an autoimmune reaction that destroys insulin ÃŽ ² cells. Manifestations of Diabetes: polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagia and weight loss Fatigue, weakness, obesity. More common in type 2 diabetes. Obesity (Photograph: Steven Puetzer/Getty Images, 2009) Main cause of Obesity: Obesity is body fat, particularly triglycerides (triglycerides) as a result of excessive accumulation of a state. Usually because food intake too much or cause a change in metabolism excessive accumulation of body fat, resulting in excessive growth of body weight and cause human path physiological changes. According to the different causes of obesity, obesity and obesity can be divided into two major categories of secondary obesity. No clear cause obesity may be related to genetics, diet and exercise habits and other factors. Manifestations of Obesity: Mental performance: Obesity can lead to anxiety, depression, guilt, and so bad attitude, and even hostility to others. Physical performance: such difficulty moving, panting, muscle fatigue, joint pain and swelling and other symptoms. The performance complication: Different complications have their corresponding manifestations. Such as headache, dizziness, daytime sleepiness, difficulty concentrating, memory loss and other symptoms. Cancer For total population and Maà ¶ri, by cancerous person 1980-1999 December years in Northland For Maà ¶ri, pacific and Non-M Non-p, Age-sex standardized rates per 100,000, ages 25+ By cancer mortality, 1980-1999 December years in Northland and other island The above tables were draw up to show the trend of cancer and cancer mortality during the period in Northland. We can see from the first figure, cancer rates for Maà ¶ri are 16 per cent higher than non-Maà ¶ri at the beginning, and continue increase steadily. However both Maà ¶ri and non-Maà ¶ri cancer rates declined between1996 to 99. During the whole period, Maà ¶ri cancer rates always higher than non-Maà ¶ri group. In the second figure, the rate of cancer mortality of Maà ¶ri group is always higher than Pacific and non-M, non-P people, and increase gradually. Cancers were causing 29 per cent of deaths in New Zealand. And the Maà ¶ri with cancer have a higher risk of dying than non-Maà ¶ri. Northland had significantly higher cancer death rates than nationally. The reason of the change was unhealthy behaviors can increase the risk of developing cancers. Diabetes For total population and Maà ¶ri, by diabetic 1930-2010 December years in Northland The chart above is drawn up to show the trend between Maà ¶ri and non-Maà ¶ri diabetic during 1930 to 2010. It can be seen that Maà ¶ri are easier to suffer diabetes than non-Maà ¶ri, it has a significant increased from 1930 to 1970, however it begin to drop slowly since 1970, until 2010 it has dropped 15 per cent during ten years. The non-Maà ¶ri population has a significantly increase during 1950 to 1990, after that, it is get effective control in 2010. Even thought, Maà ¶ri population who suffer from diabetic is still higher than non-Maà ¶ri population. Obesity The data below was collected in Adult Nutrition Survey and New Zealand Health Survey. For obesity, age-sex standardized rates per 100,000 ages 1-74 years, 1980-99. The chart above is to show the increase of obesity of two different population compare with Maà ¶ri population from 1980 to 1999. The data was show that during 1980 to 1984 period, the Maà ¶ri and Pacific population are nearly the same, however, from 1985 to 1999, Maà ¶ri population rapidly in creased, especially from year 1985. The growth rate of other two population groups never catch up with Maà ¶ri groups. In traditional approaches to hauora from 1900 to 1940, government continued to subsidies doctors as native medical officers in Maà ¶ri districts, and to supply native school teachers with medicines for their pupils. More and more hospitals were built. They were only partially government-funded, and because of a perception that Maà ¶ri land-owners did not contribute their fair share of rates, there was a tendency for hospital administrators to resent having to admit Maà ¶ri patients. Although levels of immunity to new diseases had increased, and death rates were dropping, poor economic circumstances and unsatisfactory living conditions still made many Maà ¶ri susceptible to ill health. Traditional health practices were still very common in all Maà ¶ri areas. In some districts people were reluctant to participate in any modern health programme, particularly programme that were associated with the government. This was the case in Taranaki and the Waikato, following land confiscations after the 19th-century wars. In the Urewera, too, the prophet Rua KÄâ€Å"nana chose to work for health improvement independently of the government and the Maà ¶ri councils. And also Many Maà ¶ri were suspicious of hospitals, and found them unsympathetic to Maà ¶ri cultural practices and values. A move at this time to establish Maà ¶ri hospitals was unsuccessful. The issues access to primary and secondary health services: New Zealand settlement and the treaty of Waitangi The settlers’ introduction of firearms and new infectious diseases had a major impact on death rates among the Maà ¶ris. However, the historical and socioeconomic context in relation to Maà ¶ri mortality after the colonization of New Zealand, specifically Maà ¶ris’ loss of land, was also important noted that death from disease did not occur to the same extent among those indigenous peoples who kept their land (such as in Samoa and Tonga) as among those who did not, because disruption of their economic base, food supplies, and social networks was far less widespread. For Maà ¶ris, this disruption not only occurred via land confiscation made possible through acts of law but also extended to legislation in many other areas, including regulation of Maà ¶ri rights and discrimination against the use of Maà ¶ri language in schools, all of which have affected the health of Maà ¶ri people Maà ¶ri health status After reaching a low point of approximately 42000 in 1896, the Maà ¶ri population began to increase in subsequent years. Government-initiated public health services and Maà ¶ri-controlled health promotion programs, including the appointment of Maà ¶ri health inspectors to work within Maà ¶ri communities, contributed to this gradual recovery. Also, decreases in mortality were probably influenced by the introduction of a national health care scheme and social welfare system in 1938, along with improvements in treatment methods. Health disparities A number of different explanations have been suggested for the inequalities in health between Maà ¶ris and non-Maà ¶ris. One common suggestion is that these differences are due to genetic factors. However, about 85% of genetic variation occurs randomly and is not related to race or ethnicity. The striking time trends in Maà ¶ri mortality and morbidity during the 20th century demonstrate that environmental factors played the major role. Thus, although genetic factors may contribute to differences in health status between Maà ¶ris and non-Maà ¶ris in the case of certain specific conditions, they do not play a major role in population and public health terms. Socioeconomic Factors The first studies to assess the role of socioeconomic factors and health status differences between Maà ¶ris and non-Maà ¶ris investigated mortality in men aged 15 to 64 years. 21–23 The most recent of these analyses showed that Maà ¶ri men were more than twice as likely as non-Maà ¶ri men to die prematurely; also, mortality rates among Maà ¶ri men were significantly higher in each socioeconomic class grouping, and mortality differences among these men were greater within their own ethnic social class groups as well. Lifestyle factors It can be argued that lifestyle factors, such as smoking, represent one of the mechanisms by which socioeconomic factors affect health status. However they are interpreted, it is important to consider the extent to which differing lifestyles may account for differences in health status between Maà ¶ris and non-Maà ¶ris. Discrimination The role of discrimination and racism in harming health is not new but has received increasing attention over the past 20 years. The Maà ¶ri Asthma Review reported that conscious or unconscious attitudes of health workers contribute to reluctance by Maà ¶ris to seek medical care for their asthma until it is absolutely necessary. Another study reported barriers to accessing diabetes care among Maà ¶ris, including unsatisfactory previous encounters with professionals and experiences of disempowerment. Doctors have been shown to be less likely to advocate for preventive measures for Maà ¶ri patients than for non-Maà ¶ri patients, and Maà ¶ris may be less likely than non-Maà ¶ris to be referred for surgical care. The interview answer is now analysis as below: The above table was draw up to show the interview answers which related to their primary and secondary health service. Most of the interview were satisfied with the currently health service, they usually visit the GP once a year, and they usually going to a Maà ¶ri primary health provider first when they feel unwell as they are closest, especially, the Maà ¶ri GP is understand their culture. They will to spend more time discussing with patients, and offered special services that they need. They said the service is much cheaper than before. Assessment task 3 – Present Your Findings and Explain aPresent Day Health Priority for Maà ¶ri According to the analysis, the Health services and quality differences may raise inequalities in disease survival rates, but generally not the incidence. For example: The main exception is Cervical cancer, and to a lesser extent, colorectal cancer and breast cancer, wherein Screening can detect precancerous lesions, thus reducing cancer Incidence. For this reason, these diseases incidence of the differences between minority or different ethnic groups to a great extent, reflects the differences in social conditions and way of life, and can be used as a integral or marked differences. Therefore, in these disease incidences trend of inequality analysis can evaluate our success, to reduce social inequality and assist the development of health and broader social policy. This analysis also provides a planning tool, considering the future development and funding cancer services, to the trend of the past to predict the future trajectory. Trend about risk factors, can also be incorporated int o the forecasting model, to improve the accuracy of the prediction. Maà ¶ri health status is generally worse than that of non-Maà ¶ri where information is available. It validates the need to priorities Maà ¶ri health gain and development in order to reduce and eliminate health inequalities that currently exist. The developments of Maà ¶ri health research priorities need much funding to support and big investment of time in a wide range and strict cooperation in wider New Zealand community, policy makers and health workers (including health workers). The role of health researchers will be convenient. Reference: Hawke’s Bay District Health Board (2010), HBDHB Health Status Review: Diabetes Ministry of Health (2013), National Cancer Programme: work plan 2013/14, Ministry of Health (2006), Mortality and Demographic. Ministry of Health (2010), Cancer: New registrations and deaths. National Ethnic Population Projections: 2006 (base) –2026à ¶ri%20population%20project Health Needs Assessment Northland District Health Board For the Ministry of Health. (n.d.). center for public health research See more at: Core Health (2013) Patient Rights, Retrieved: Melanie Jordan (2008) Supporting Indiciduals with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Spectrum Disorders: Quality Employment Practices, Retrieved: Appendices YI LI 12010316 1