Monday, September 30, 2019
Daytun Case Report Essay
A. Acquisition of the local dealership of office products and POS system company B. Acquisition of the dealership of Konica at the larger metropolitan area C. Establishing a new dealership in the small metropolitan area D. Acquisition of the local competitor E. Develop new business model like cost-per-copy product Strategy A Analysis: Since the current Copier business in Daytun increased only by 6.7% and the copier market is mature in London area, acquisition of the local POS dealership is the best strategy for Dayton to reach the goal within the next 2 years. Daytun needs to consider the following aspects in this strategy: 1. Can Daytun Finically secure to purchase the POS company? The value of the POS company is around $200-300K. Base on the current assets status, Daytun can slightly increase the debt from bank to purchase the company. 2. Can Daytun keep the same service excellence with the new business? The current POS company has the same service-oriented philosophy as Daytun does, and there is not dominated brand in the POS market. Daytun can establish the same reputation and earn the customer royalty. 3. Can Daytun merge with the POS company without losing the talnets? The current POS company has one 1/5 size of Daytun. Base on the very similar company culture and well-defined compensation policy, Daytun should be able to keep the talnets on both side. Daytun needs to provide more training to the whole new organization to understand and operate the new business in the very early stage. 4. Can management handle the acquisition and business expansion? Since the POS company is local, there is no geographical challenge to deal with by the senior executives. Daytun needs to provide more management training for the middle management level to allow the senior executives spend more time on acquisition and business expansion. Recommendation: Daytun must make decision to purchase the local dealership of office system and POS company to reach the goal in the next 2 years. By doing that, Daytun needs to carefully deal with the acquisition process and improve the training in whole organization to keep the same excellence of customer services for both business. Daytun also need to invest on the POS market to establish the same reputation as it did in the copier market.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Bite Me: A Love Story Chapter 3
3. The Samurai of Jackson Street TOMMY When he first arrived in San Francisco, Tommy Flood had shared a closet-size room with five Chinese men named Wong, all of whom had wanted to marry him. â€Å"It's horrible-like being packed into a take-out box of Kung Pao chicken,†Tommy had said, and although it wasn't like that at all, and Tommy was just trying to use colorful language which he felt was his duty as a writer, it was very crowded and smelled strongly of garlic and sweaty Chinese guys. â€Å"I think they want to pack my fudge,†Tommy had said. â€Å"I'm from Indiana, we don't go for that kind of stuff.†As it turned out, the Chinese guys didn't go for that kind of stuff either, but were, in fact, very much interested in getting green cards. Fortunately, only a week later, in the parking lot of the Marina Safeway where he worked nights, Tommy met a gorgeous redhead named Jody Stroud, who rescued him from his confinement with the Chinese guys, by giving him her love, a nice loft apartment, and immortality. Unfortunately, little more than a month after that, their minion, Abby, had them bronzed while they slept, and Tommy awoke one night to find that despite his great vampire strength, he couldn't move a muscle. â€Å"I'd rather be trapped in a take-out box of Kung Pao chicken,†Tommy would have said if he could have said anything, which he couldn't. Meanwhile, right next to him, sharing the same bronze shell, his beloved Jody drifted in a dream-state, a side effect of being able to turn herself to mist, a trick she had learned from Elijah Ben Sapir, her vampire sire. Between the dead sleep of daylight, and the floating in a dream-world, she could endure decades inside the statue. Tommy, however, had never learned how to turn to mist. There had never been time to teach him. So come sundown, his vampire senses came on like neon, and he experienced every second of his confinement with an electric intensity that nearly had him vibrating in his shell-an alpha predator pacing the cage of his mind and shredding his reason. Of course, he did the only thing he could do: he went barking at the moon mad. CHET He'd have to lick about a mile of kitty-butt to get the taste of meter maid out of his mouth, but Chet was up for it. He raked a couple of hind-leg kicks through the dust that was the meter maid's remains, and headed across the street and into the alley, where he curled up in the dark and set about blunting the human taste. It was only a little over a month since the old vampire had turned Chet, but already he was losing all sense of his former self. Time was, that he spent his days on Market Street, napping next to William, the homeless man who made his living with a paper cup and a sign that said, I AM HOMELESS AND MY CAT IS HUGE. Chet was indeed very large, and while much of his volume had been fur, he had achieved a weight of thirty-five pounds on a diet of semi-used hamburgers and French fries donated by passersby outside of McDonald's. Now Chet hunted the night, taking down nearly any warm-blooded creature he encountered: rats, birds, squirrels, cats, dogs, and even the occasional human. At first it had only been drunks and other homeless, and the first time he had drained one, his old friend William, who turned to dust in front of him, Chet yowled, ran, and hid under a Dumpster for the rest of the night and all of the next day. There was no regret, simply hunger and elation of the blood rush. It was beyond the satisfaction of the kill, it was positively sexual, something Chet had never known as a normal cat, as he'd been neutered by the animal shelter when still a kitten. But along with speed, strength, and senses far more sensitive than even a human-based vampire, Chet, like his human counterparts, found that he was physically restored to perfection. In other words, his junk was working. He found that soon after the kill he desperately needed to hump something, and the more squirmy and wailing, the better. Above the smells of bus fumes, cooking food, and urine-bathed curbs that pervaded the City, he caught the scent of a female in heat. She might be a mile away, but given his newly heightened senses, he'd find her. A wave of excitement undulated under the fur of his spine, fur that had mostly grown back since the humans had shaved him, mated in front of him, and drank his blood, which served to traumatize his little kitty consciousness before he was turned vampire, and motivated a whole new feeling he'd grown into as a vampire cat: vengeance. For since his metamorphosis, it wasn't just his senses that had expanded. His brain, which before had run a loop of â€Å"eat-nap-crap, repeat,†was now growing into a whole new awareness, getting bigger, even as Chet grew. He was a good sixty pounds now, and roughly as smart as a dog, where before he'd only been a little brighter than a brick. Dog. The hated. There was dog on the air. Coming closer. He could smell it-them-two of them. And now he could hear them. He arose from his butt bath and screeched like an electrified lynx. In response, the neighborhood echoed with a chorus of yowls from a dozen other vampire cats. THE EMPEROR â€Å"Steady, fellows,†said the Emperor. He laid his hand across the neck of the golden retriever and scratched under the chin of the Boston terrier, who squirmed in the great pocket of the Emperor's overcoat, looking like a frantic, black-and-white, bug-eyed kangaroo mutant. â€Å"Cat! Cat! Cat! Cat! Cat!†barked Bummer, with a spray of doggie slobber across the Emperor's palm. â€Å"Cat! Murder, pain, fire, evil, cat! Can't you smell them? Everywhere! Must chase, chase, chase, bite, bite, bite, let me go you insane, oblivious old man, I'm trying to save you, for the love of God, CAT! CAT! CAT!†Unfortunately, Bummer only spoke dog, and while the Emperor could tell that the Boston terrier was upset, he had no idea why. (Anyone who translates dog knows that only about a third of what Bummer said actually meant anything. The rest was just noise he needed to make. Human speech is about the same.) Lazarus, the golden retriever, having battled vampires on and off for the last two months, and being steady by nature, was much calmer about the whole thing, but despite Bummer's tendency to overreact, he had to admit, the smell of cat was tall in the air, and what was more disturbing, it wasn't just cat, it was dead cat. Dead cat walking. Wait, what was that? Not cat-cats. Oh, this was not good. â€Å"He's right about the cat,†Lazarus ruffed, nudging the Emperor's leg. â€Å"We should get out of this neighborhood, maybe go over to North Beach and see if anyone dropped a beef jerky or something. I could sure use a beef jerky. Or we can stay and die. Whatever. I'm good with it.†â€Å"Easy, men,†said the Emperor, alert now that something was amiss. He knelt down, his knees creaking like rusted hinges, and as he looked around, kneaded the spot between Bummer's ears as if he were readying to make doggy-brain biscuits. He was a great, woolly, thunderstorm of a man-broad shouldered and gray bearded, fine witted and fiercely loyal to the people of his city. He had lived on the streets of San Francisco as long as anyone could remember, and while tourists saw him as a raggedy, homeless wretch, the locals viewed him as a fixture, a rolling landmark, a spirit, and a conscience, and for the most part, treated him with the deference they might pay royalty, despite the fact that he was a raving loon. The street was deserted, but a half a block away the Emperor saw the three-wheeled cart of an S.F.P.D. parking enforcement officer, stopped behind an illegally parked Audi. The cart's rotating yellow caution lights chased themselves around the surrounding buildings like drunken, jaundiced Tinkerbells, but there was no officer in sight. â€Å"Strange. It's long past time when a meter maid should be working. Perhaps we should investigate, gents.†But before he could stand, Bummer leapt out of the Emperor's pocket and made a beeline for the cart, trumpeting himself into the charge with a staccato barking fit. Lazarus took off after the black-and-white fur-rocket, and the old man ambled along behind, as fast as his great, arthritic legs would carry him. They found Bummer on the far side of the Audi, snorting and snuffling inside an empty police uniform, and covered with a fine gray powder. The Emperor's eyes went wide. He backed across the sidewalk and stood against the fire door of one of the industrial lofts that lined the street. He had seen this before. He knew the signs. But when he had seen the old vampire and his companions board an enormous yacht in the Bay over a month ago, he thought his city rid of the bloodsucking fiends. What now? There was a crackling static noise from the police cart: a radio. Call it in. Alert his people to the danger. He rolled to the cart, fumbled with the door catch, and reached for the microphone. â€Å"Hello,†he said into the microphone. â€Å"This is the Emperor of San Francisco, Emperor of San Francisco, protector of Alcatraz, Sausalito, and Treasure Island, and I'd like to report a vampire.†The radio continued to crackle and distant voices ghosted through the ether, uninterrupted. Lazarus padded to the old man's side and barked furiously, â€Å"You have to push the button. You have to push the button.†Unfortunately, while the noble retriever understood English, he only spoke dog, and the Emperor did not get the instruction. â€Å"Button! Button! Button! Button!†Bummer barked, springing up and down in front of the police cart. He scurried around to the door and jumped in on the Emperor's lap to show him. â€Å"Yeah, that helps,†growled Lazarus sarcastically. Golden retrievers are not a very sarcastic breed, and he felt a little ashamed and, well, catlike, using that tone of voice. â€Å"Okay. Button! Button! Button! Uh-oh.†â€Å"Button! Button! Button! Uh-oh, what?†barked Bummer. A short ruff from the retriever: â€Å"Cat.†Lazarus boiled out a low growl and laid his ears back against his head. The Emperor saw two of them: cats, coming down the sidewalk toward them. But they didn't look quite natural. The light from the police cart was reflecting back from the cats' eyes like red coals. A screech, there were two more coming across the street. Lazarus turned to face them, snarling now. A chorus of hisses from behind. The Emperor looked in the rearview mirror to see three more cats stalking from behind. â€Å"Quick, Lazarus, in the cart. Up, boy, in the cart.†Lazarus was spinning now, trying to watch all of the cats at once, warning them off with bared teeth and bristled hair. But the cats came on, baring their own teeth. â€Å"Come now,†said the Emperor into the microphone. Something landed hard on the roof of the cart and Bummer yelped. Another thump and the Emperor looked back to see a large cat in the bed of the cart, coming up on two legs and trying to claw around the back window. The old man pulled the door shut. â€Å"Run, Lazarus, run!†Lazarus caught the first cat in his jaws and was shaking it furiously when the rest fell upon him. STEVE â€Å"There's nefarious shit afoot, Foo,†said Abby. â€Å"Bring portable sun and fry these nosferatu kitties before they nom everyone in the ‘hood.†Steven â€Å"Foo Dog†Wong had no idea what his girlfriend, Abby, was talking about, and it wasn't the first time. In fact, much of the time he had no idea what she was talking about, but he had learned if he was patient, and listened, and more important, agreed with her, she would mercilessly sex him up, which he liked quite a bit, and occasionally he got the message. He used the same strategy with his maternal grandmother (without the sexing-up part), who spoke an obscure, country dialect of Cantonese, that sounded to the uninitiated like someone beating a chicken to death with a banjo. Just wait, and all would become clear. This time, however, Abby, whose tone ran from tragically romantic to passionately dismissive, was sounding much more urgent, and the patience gambit wasn't going to work. Her voice in his Bluetooth headset was like having a malevolent fairy bite his ear. â€Å"I'm in the middle of something, Abby. I'll be home as soon as I finish up here.†â€Å"Now, Foo. There's a herd, or flock, or a-what do you call a bunch of kitties?†â€Å"A box?†Foo offered. â€Å"Fucktard!†â€Å"A fucktard of kitties? Okay, sure, that could be it. A pride of lions, a murder of crows†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"No. You fucktard! There's a bunch of vampire kitties about to eat that crazy Emperor guy and his dogs right outside on the street. You need to come save them.†â€Å"A bunch?†Steve was having a hard time getting his head around the idea. He'd only recently gotten his head around the idea of one vampire cat, but a bunch, well, that was more. He was just a couple of months away from having his master's in biochem at age twenty-one-he wasn't a fucktard. â€Å"Define a bunch,†he said. â€Å"Many. I can't count them because they're stalking the golden retriever.†â€Å"And how do you know they're vampire kitties?†â€Å"Oh, because I drew blood samples from them, ran it in that centrifuge thingy of yours, prepared some slides, and looked at the blood cell structure under a microscope, duh?†â€Å"No, really,†he said. She was flunking high school biology, there's no way she prepared blood slides. And besides- â€Å"Of course not, you douche nozzle, I know they're vampires because they're stalking a golden retriever and a homeless fuck who's hiding in the vaporized meter maid's cart. That's not standard kitty behavior.†â€Å"Vaporized meter maid?†â€Å"The one Chet ate-sucked her to dust. Come now, Foo, turn your sunbeam full-on and get your luscious ninja ass over here.†Steve had rigged the hatchback of his tricked-out Honda Civic with high intensity UV floodlights, which he'd used to flash fry a number of vampires, thus saving Abby and, for the first time in his life, having a girlfriend and someone who thought he was cool. â€Å"I can't come right away, Abby. The sun lights aren't in the car.†â€Å"Oh my fucking God, there's some little old guy with a cane coming out of the alley. Well, he's toast. Fuck!†â€Å"What?†â€Å"Fuck!†â€Å"What?†â€Å"Oh fuck!†â€Å"What? What? What?†â€Å"Oh-my-fucking-god-ponies-on-a-stick!†â€Å"Abby, you need to be more specific.†â€Å"It's not a cane, Foo, it's a sword.†â€Å"What?†â€Å"Come now, Foo. Bring the sun.†â€Å"I can't, Abby. My car is full of rats.†THE EMPEROR The Emperor watched in horror as the cats leapt onto the back of his noble captain, Lazarus. The golden retriever shook himself violently, dislodging two of the fiends, but they were replaced by two more, and three more leapt on top of them, nearly bringing Lazarus to the ground. But they weren't pack hunters, and as each maneuvered for the throat, another attacker was pushed off, his claws shredding both predator and prey as he fell. Blood splattered the windscreen of the police cart. Bummer bounced around inside the tiny cabin, barking and snorting, and throwing himself against the glass, covering everything with angry dog slobber. â€Å"Run, Lazarus, run!†The Emperor pounded on the glass, then pushed his forehead against it as he tried to squint back tears of anguish and frustration. â€Å"No!†He would not do it. He would not watch his companion slaughtered. Outrage filled the ancient, boiler-tank of a man and condensed to courage. He was fighting the door latch when half a cat hit the side window and slid down trailing gore. The door handle snapped off in his hand and he threw it to the floor of the cart. Bummer immediately attacked it and broke a tooth on the metal. Through the haze of blood spray, the Emperor could see another figure in the street. A boy-no, a man, but a small man, Asian-wearing a fluorescent orange porkpie hat and socks, tight plaid trousers that looked as if they'd been teleported out of the 1960s, and a gray cardigan sweater. The little man was brandishing a samurai sword, bringing it down again and again on Lazarus in quick snapping motions, but before he could cry out, the Emperor saw that the sword wasn't even grazing the retriever's coat. With each stroke one of the cats fell away, beheaded or cut in half, both halves squirming on the pavement. There was no spinning, no wind-up or flourish to the swordsman's movements, just grim efficiency, like a chef chopping vegetables. As his targets moved, he pivoted and stepped just enough to deliver the cut, then snapped the blade back and sent it to its next destination. The weight and fury removed from his back, Lazarus looked around and whimpered, which translated to: â€Å"Whaaa-?†The swordsman was relentless, step, cut, step, cut. Two cats came at him from under a Volvo and he quickly retreated and swung the sword in a quick, low arc that approximated a golf stroke and sent their heads back over the car to bounce off a metal garage door. â€Å"Behind!†the Emperor warned. But it was too late. The low attack had thrown the swordsman off-a heavy-bodied Siamese cat launched itself from the roof of a van across the street and landed on the little man's back. The long sword was useless at such close range. The swordsman arched in pain, even as the Siamese clawed its way up his back. He spun, then threw his feet out before him and fell hard on his back, but the Siamese took the impact and dug its fangs into the swordsman's shoulder. A half-dozen vampire cats came scurrying out from under cars toward the struggling swordsman. Lazarus, his fur matted with blood, caught one of the cats by the haunch and bit to the bone. The cat screamed and squirmed in the retriever's jaws, trying to claw his eyes. The others fell on the swordsman with fang and claw. The Emperor threw his shoulder against the Plexiglas door of the police cart, but there was no room to move, to gain momentum, and while the entire cart rocked and went up on two wheels under his weight, the door latch would not give. He watched in horror as the swordsman writhed under his attackers. The Emperor heard a steel fire door hitting brick and light spilled across the sidewalk and into the street. Out of the doorway ran a thin, impossibly pale girl with lavender pigtails wearing pink motocross boots, pink fishnet stockings, a green plastic skirt, wraparound sunglasses, and a black leather jacket that looked studded with glass. Before he could warn her, the girl ran into the street and shouted, â€Å"You motherfucking kitties need to step the fuck off!†The vampire cats attacking the swordsman looked up and hissed, which translated from vampire cat, meant: â€Å"Whaaa-?†She ran right at the swordsman, waving her arms as if shooing birds or trying to dry some particularly stubborn nail polish and screaming like a madwoman. The cats turned their attention to her, and were crouching, readying to leap, when her jacket lit up like the sun. There was a collective screech of agony from the vampire cats as all around the street, cats and cat parts smoked, then ignited. Burning cats made for the alley across the street or tried to hide under cars, but the thin girl ran after them, darting here and there, until each ignited, then burned and reduced itself first to a bubbling puddle of fur and goo, and finally, a pile of fine ash. In less than a minute, the street was quiet again. The lights on the girl's jacket went dark. The swordsman climbed to his feet and fitted his orange porkpie hat back on his head. He was bleeding from spots on his back and arms, and there was blood on his plaid pants and orange socks, but whether it was his or the cats' was impossible to tell. He stood before the thin girl and bowed deeply. â€Å"Domo arigato,†he said, keeping his eyes at her feet. â€Å"Dozo,†said the girl. â€Å"Your kitty-slaying skills are, if I may say so, the shit.†The swordsman bowed again, short and shallow, then turned and trotted across the street, down the alley, and out of sight. Lazarus was digging at the Plexiglas door of the police cart with the pads of his paws, as if he might polish his way through to release his master. Abby scratched his nose, nearly the only part of him not covered in blood, and opened the door. â€Å"Hey,†she said. â€Å"Hey,†said the Emperor. He stepped out of the cart and looked around. The street was painted with blood for half a block, punctuated by piles of ash and the occasional charred flea collar. Parked cars were sprayed in red mist, even the security lights above several fire doors were speckled with gore. Acrid smoke from burning cats hung low in the air, and on the sidewalk greasy gray ash spilled out of the sleeves and collar of the parking officer's uniform. â€Å"Well, you don't see that every day,†said the Emperor, as a police cruiser rounded the corner, the red and blue lights raking the building. The cruiser stopped and doors flew open. The driver stood behind his door, his hand on his gun. â€Å"What's going on here?†he said, trying to keep his eyes on the Emperor and not look at the carnage that surrounded them. â€Å"Nothing,†Abby said.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Analysis of the Poem The Wreck of Deutschland by Gerard Manley Hopkins
SS Deutschland is an iron passenger liner of the Norddeutscher Lloyd series which is the first flight from Bremen to New York. On December 4, 1875, Germany traveled with 123 immigrants from Bremerhaven to New York. The weather condition of the ship was awful; a snowstorm hit an area near the Kentish Knock ship, Kent and the Essex coast of England. The German crew tried to retreat but failed when the pressure ruptured the German propeller. Gerard Manley Hopkins has eight brothers and sisters born in Manley and Catherine Smith Hopkins. His parents are Episcopal churches that follow the Catholic tradition sacraments and pope. By planting the theological values, beliefs, and morals of Gerald, he was seriously affected by his family. His parents taught him to love God with other children. Gerard was convinced that she would become familiar with the Bible by strengthening her connection with her mother, so Gerrard started reading the New Testament at school. Gerald Manley Hopkins is always fascinated by the individuality of personal thinking and experience. As W. H. Gardner explains, Hopkins' ideal is poetry and art work, which is very beautiful. He uses the language as a means to immerse himself in the feeling as much as possible; awe, surprise, disappointment, confusion, alienation, certainty and doubt. Some of the great literary works prosper in the voice of independent, other, and sometimes intentional anemic stories, but Hopkins has released his poem throughout his existence. The most expressive belief His perceptualism is revealed in the original metaphor such as yellow-yellow candle and vivid discoloration. Broader and more accurate terms. In the mid 1800s, a very spiritual poet was born. Gerard Manley Hopkins was born on 28th July 1844 to Manly and Catherine (Smith) Hopkins, the first child of nine children (Drabble 473). His parents were High Church Anglicans and his father last year published a large number of poems (Drabble 473). He was appointed a pastor of the Jesuits who wrote a beautiful poem full of harmony with nature. In most cases, Hopkins' poetry was published after the death of 1889. Five years before Hopkins' death, he wrote six terrible sonnets that revealed their inner torture and separation from God (Davi 86). These poems were written by Hopkins as a professor at Dublin College College (Drabble 474). Hopkins' sonnet worst, no, I woke up, feeling the darkness, not the end of the day is indicative of mental pain caused by his mental pain
Friday, September 27, 2019
Case Study for Student Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Case Study for Student Analysis - Essay Example There were many issues with the recruiting round Carl Robbins realized. Carl started his college recruiting round in April. He was supposed to have everything ready within three months. Carl scheduled an orientation for the new employees on June 15 so that the recruits would be ready for work by the start of July. Monica as the manager contacted Carl on May 15th to ensure everything would be ready on time. Carl reassured her he had everything under control. It became apparent from the case that Carl was either incompetent or simply did not realize all the leg work that had to be performed prior to getting these employees ready for work. Carl needed to have in place the training schedule, orientation, manuals, policy booklets, physicals and drug tests. Carl could not do this alone and he needed help in the process. The problem was that Carl never asked for any help since there were internal communication problems at ABC. Two weeks prior to the deadline Carl did not have the documentat ion in place including a lack of drug testing for the applicants. On top of these problems Carl at the last moment realized that the training room he need to perform the two week orientation for the employees had not been separated for that purpose due to the fact that Joe from technical services had the room separated for computer training seminars for the new database software implementation. Carl Robbins is in a lot of trouble right now and he needs alternative solutions to the problem. The first solution to the problem would be to cancel the entire recruiting process and start all over. This solution is not too good because it would cost the company thousands of dollars and more importantly it would cost the firm over three months of valuable time. The firm already started investing money and resources in the recruiting process of the 15 new employees. Monica
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Research paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Research paper - Essay Example Earthquakes are believed to be caused by different occurrences that include glacial rebounding, sliding of tectonic plates that lie over each other, and by sudden discharge of stored strain that is accumulated along a fault line. The severity of a shake from an earthquake is usually as a result of three factors i.e. its magnitude attenuation of a wave that causes the earth quake as it moves through the earth’s surface and the possible disruption caused by different rock structure (Hough par 9-12). These vibrations can be predicted before they happen in a place. When these vibrations happen also, they result in major disruptions to physical features. However, the major cause of investigation has resulted from the threat these vibrations cause to people. The ability to predict great causes of damaging events that are likely to face an area in future time is a basic element of risk reduction development practices. It becomes an important element when it is facing emergency and le ad to development of a good planning for such emergency (Albarello and Meletti 1-2). Earthquakes are caused by seismic waves. The intensity of these waves is measured with a machine known as a seismometer. The depth of the earthquake is another determiner of its intensity. Earthquakes are a major threat to life because if they happen with great magnitude, they lead to destruction of properties in which people live. When they happen on the water, they result to tsunamis that are likely to result in disruption of waters and seizing of ships. The commotion caused on the water also is extended to the coast, which causes major deaths of people at such coastal lands and destruction of property. Before the 1970s and 1980s, prominent scientists were optimistic that reliable prediction of earthquakes was possibly going to come. This was facilitated and motivated by the ground breaking prediction event of Soviet Union prediction of an earthquake and the successfully accomplished prediction of Chinese earthquake that happened in Haicheng. However, even with those optimistic achievements, there was a lot of pessimism because still many predictions were not reliable by then (Hough 34). Today, prediction of earthquakes is possible by scientists who agree that the understanding of ground motion attenuation relationships is an important aspect of predicting possibility of there being an earthquake. In March 2009, an Italian technician observed the radon and noticed some abnormalities and predicted that a great magnitude earthquake would be experienced. Although seismologists did not concur with that laboratory scientist, a fatal earthquake was experienced in L’Aquila barely a month after the prediction. The earthquake claimed many lives and were injured while a lot of property was destroyed and many were displaced from their places. Forecasting of earthquakes is faced with many debates about their occurrence once they have happened. For example, when it happened in cit y of L’Aquila a lot of questions and debates followed; scientists were fiercely faced by contradiction basing on their ability to forecast such dangers. This earthquake was so destructive such that everyone affected by it rose against the people who are responsible for predicting (Albarello and Meletti 3). Currently, there are many prediction methods for earthquakes developed such that one does not have to ask whether it is possible to
Contracts and Leases in Common Law and UCC Essay
Contracts and Leases in Common Law and UCC - Essay Example Normally, a contract is enforced and governed by the laws of the country where it was made. In the United States of America, a contract is governed by two types of state laws, that is, the common law and the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) (Bagley and Dauchy, 2012). Common law is a law which governs contracts for services and contracts that are not governed by the Uniform Commercial Code. Most contracts such as employment agreements, general business agreements and leases are controlled by common law. Common law contracts can either be bilateral or unilateral. However, the contracts are valid only if the three elements of common law contract formation are met. The elements of formation are offer, acceptance and consideration (Bagley and Dauchy, 2012). The uniform commercial code (UCC) governs the contracts between merchants and the sale of goods. The law was written by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL) and the American Law Institute (ALI). It was p ublished in 1952 to harmonize the law of sales and other commercial transactions in the United States. Although it has not been fully enacted, some provisions of the code have been adopted by all the fifty states of the US (Fullerton, 2011). Previously, the code was divided into 9 articles; however, after a number of reviews and revisions, the code is now divided into eleven articles with each giving provisions that relate to a particular area of commercial law. Article 1, gives the definitions of terms used in commercial law and the general principles that apply to the UCC. Article 2 covers all contracts pertaining to the sale of goods. Article 2A covers all transactions pertaining to leases of goods. Article 3 covers negotiable instruments such as checks and promissory notes.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Human Resource Management - Essay Example Conclusion 14 Reference 15 Bibliography 17 Introduction The project seeks to bring forth the human resource management strategies in the organization and its alignment with the short and long term business objectives of the firm. Changing business environments coupled with increase in competitive pressures have caused the company’s difficulty in sustaining in the market. Comprising of a total of 200 employees the company is faced with difficulty in managing its workforce efficiently. The main areas of human resource management strategies which have been falling short of meeting the company’s present and future business needs are explored in the project. This includes exploring its recruitment strategies, compensation strategies, training and development programs, performance management programs etc. This is followed by the explanation of how the key human resource management strategies need to be changed in the light of appropriate theories and practices. Based on the shortcomings of the strategies suitable changed have been recommended for the organization. Task 1 Current human resource management practices and linkage with the present and future needs of the business It is crucial that human resource management practices are linked with organizational goals and objectives both for the present as well as the future. The following section would analyze the HR practices followed in ABC Engine Components and identify their relevance in the context of meeting the present and future business demands in the organization. Firstly, the current recruitment strategies seem to be falling short of the future business needs and requirements in the organization. Because of the existence of a highly demanding and competitive environment, it was important that the skill requirements were changed and the current productivity level of the staffs were heightened. However, Gordon Watson, who was the Chief Executive, was found stating that the staffs would not be swapped for anyone else. This is found to be a shortcoming because with the changed in business requirements, skill requirements must also change which means that new staffs need to be employed while older on es must be either retrained or the workforce must be downsized. The retention strategies of the organization also seem inadequate as the employee turnover rate in the technical and management remain remains as high as 35-40%. The company seems to have little effective strategies for retaining employees where management and technical skills remain short in the market and are often poached by the competitors who offer them with better terms and conditions (Brown, 2011, p.102). The fact that ABC was unable to attract or retain employees to other competitors reveals its poor compensation program and structure. Despite that fact that there was little discontentment among employees there was high attrition rates in the organization which shows shortfall in the compensation structures which happens to be the key factor towards attracting and retaining employees. Also the compensation structures and policies must be such as to enhance performance and productivity. In this case there was no form of incentive in the organization which could improve employees’ productivity or employee involvement. The lack of variable pay can be regarded as a shortfall in the compensation structures to meet productivity goals in future (Graham & Roth, 2008, p.12). A proper performance management system is a prerequisite for ensuring high performance of employees. In the highly competitive environment in which the company operates, it is important that high performance of employees is maintained so as to ensure that quality standards are maintained and the company does not lose to competitors. The lack
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Landscape design details, structural details or architectural facets, Essay
Landscape design details, structural details or architectural facets, visual rhetoric and overall set-up. (These are just some key words) - Essay Example In short, in the modern world, a pure portion of nature free from the effects of modernization qualifies to be called paradise. This has led to [landscape] architects to shout out calls to redeem nature from the increasing globalization. This is because architecture has the potential of redeeming several paradises. Evident in Solnit’s essay â€Å"Thirty-Nine Steps across the Border and Back†are multiple definitions of a paradise in the modern world. In evaluating her writings about the elusive paradise, this study will analyze scenery inside the Vizcaya Museum in Miami. The architectural setup of the Vizcaya Museum in Miami matches Solnit’s idea of paradise in which case paradise is created by secluding unique portions of nature and setting them away from human interference. In the chosen scenery, the central object visible is a sunken water body enclosed within concrete walls that rise about half a meter above ground level. The concrete walls indicate old age and have columns on the left side that end up in a vase-like top used as holders where plants with dense leaves like cactus grow. To the left of the water body is a row of mature trees that have evidently attained maturity. Their branches hang over the water catchment below. The overhanging branches are adorned with a type of running plant with tiny leaves that form dense clusters on the old branches. To the left of the trees is a pavement meant for visitors to walk on. To the left of the pavement is a neatly-trimmed hedge of dense green bushes. To the right of the water body is a neatly-kept lawn with low-lying trimmed grass. In the lawn are younger trees that are neatly trimmed to be cylindrical with flat tops. Today’s version of paradise in definition would be a place that is most striking and contrasts largely with the environment that we interact with daily. It may encompass material elements such as the water body and lawn in the photo above. It may
Monday, September 23, 2019
Gone With The Wind paper 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Gone With The Wind paper 5 - Essay Example Thus, copyright law though protects originality and creativity of the authors, gives room for rewrites by providing exemptions under which they are not entitled to infringement.However, this has also created a room for copyright conflicts and other related issues. Numerous copyright issues have dominated the debate scene prompting the question as to what should be considered fair use and what should not. One notable copyright battle was between Gone With The Wind (GWTW) and The Wind DoneGone (TWDG). In this case, the author, Randall rewrote the GWTW by retelling the story through a slave’s perspective. This encompasses writing back to society and power, which has a rich contribution to the society. Nevertheless, the conflict here was whether TWDG violated copyright laws by copying GWTW. Through evaluation of free speech, fair use, parody and satire, it is clear that TWDG did not cause infringement of copyright laws. The infringement law allows rewrites based satire and parody. As a result, there was no infringement in the case of GWTW and TWDG since the rewrite was based on satire. Nevertheless, when solving the conflict, other concepts such as free speech and its application also came up. Thus, it is essential to understand how fair use, parody and satire, and free speech apply in rewrite cases. ... This marked the beginning of a long-term battle on TWDG’s infringement of copyright laws with regard to the rewrite of GWTW. Nevertheless, what arose from this case is that fair use sets the legal framework that accommodates both commercial and creative decisions. In analyzing a literary work or any other thing for fair use, there are four factors that play a key role in the determination of fair use. According to Netanel in Making Sense of Fair Use, these are provisions of Section 107 of the United States Copyright Act (Making Sense of fair Use 715). The first factor deals with character and purpose of the uses, for example, it considers whether the use is for nonprofit educational or for commercial nature purposes. The second factor provides for the nature of the work copyrighted. The third factor looks at the work copyrighted as a whole and determines the substantiality and amount of the portion used with respect to the entire work. Finally, the fourth factor provided for b y the US Copyright Act under Section 107 looks at the impact of the rewrite on the potential market, and how the copyrighted work is valued. Beebe notes that the four factors are a test that must be applied in every case to determine fair use, and there is no bright line rule that can determine the issue of fair use (558). The major goal of fair use is to provide a flexible approach of determining and making a decision as to whether fair use applies in a particular case. The major concern is whether the use of the original work that is copyright protected is fair or not. In addition, the fair use doctrine does not base its arguments on equity, but is rather a creature of the common law courts. Furthermore, in the application of fair use, the secondary user’s motives are generally
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Foreign Direct Investment Disadvantages Essay Example for Free
Foreign Direct Investment Disadvantages Essay There is a lot to be said for big retail to come to India, but we cannot simply be taken in and mimic something which is being pushed down our throats because those who make the policy appear to not have the faintest clue on how retail really works in India If there were clear answers in black and white to the question, there would really be no need for any debate on the issue, but the truth is that it is simply not that simple. On a philosophical and emotional level, the answer could be that any form of foreign participation in a domestic market is rife with dangers of the colonialism sort, but in this day and age, while the core concept of being wary of foreign dominance may still be true, the fact remains that there are plenty of ways to ensure that it works on a win-win basis for all concerned. The main problem with the current status of foreign direct investment (FDI) in retail in India is that it does not provide a level playing field to other players of the domestic and small sort. In addition, it appears to take a rather naive and simplistic view on certain aspects, which like myths being repeated, tend to become urban legends. On the other hand, no country can afford to take on an isolationist approach. To start with, it may help to go through the background and policy note on the Cabinet decision on FDI in retail, as put up on various places on the internet. Facebook, PIB) As this writer sees it, with a holistic view of the subject and not just based on jingoism of the â€Å"burn down the malls†(right view) and â€Å"bad for farmers†(left view) sort, but on rational evaluation of larger issues, there are some points which need to be straightened out. Large retail is inevitable, and that is a simple truth, but there has to be larger perspective for public good which seems to be missing from this policy. The people of India come first, including those who want a better product or service buying or selling experience, and at the end of the day i t is their wallets which will decide where they go. But at the same time, the government, with the policy as outlined above, cannot sell the baby with the bath-water, and make things worse. Some suggestions: 1) The present Agriculture Produce Market Committee (APMC) Act requires urgent revamp if we really want to help the rural and agricultural sectors with a better go to market scenario. This, along with rapid introduction of the goods and services tax (GST) as well as ease of inter- and intra-state movement of foodgrain, agri products and fresh produce, would do more to improve matters, as well as do wonders for our conomy in a variety of waysâ€â€most of all in terms of controlling prices as well as reducing storage and transit losses. 2) The policy shown above makes a case that â€Å"brands†by big FDI retailers need to be carried across borders without in any way making it clear that the quality of those brands needs to be same across borders, too. As of now we see that with these manufacturers and retailers there is on e lower quality for sale in India and there is a better quality for sale in developed countriesâ€â€case in point being soft drinks, processed foods, confectionery, electronics, motor vehicles and others. If anything is by way of a different quality for India for price or other reasons, then let it be clearly marked as such. 3) Specifically in the case of packaged and processed foods, the policy does not say anything about adherence to best case scenarios in terms of labelling of ingredients and avoiding misleading marketing ploys, thereby leading to a situation where outright dangerous products are foisted on Indian consumers. The amount of product detail available for consumers in developed countries must be matched for India, too. India cannot become a vast chemistry lab for processed foods or anything else. 4) More empirical data needs to be provided on subjects like â€Å"improvement in supply chain†. India is the country where the passenger rail ticket deliveries, fresh hot cooked food by dabbawallas and diamonds as well as other precious stones by angadias have set better than global standards in supply chains, so the same standards need to be quantified and applied to those seeking 100% FDI in retail. It is not too much to ask for them to match the Indian standardsâ€â€unless those who made the policy are ashamed of our prowess. ) The investments in retail by the FDI route, when they come, should come only through a short-list of recognised tax adherence countries. The misused option of FDI coming in through known or suspect tax havens needs to be blockedâ€â€firmly. Likewise, full disclosures of the strictest sort need to be made on who the investors areâ€â€again, these cannot be suitcas e corporate identities hiding behind consultants and banks in shady tax havens or other countries. Unlike what happened in, for example, airlines, Indians need to know who is investing and from where. And in case there are legal issues, then we need to know who the faces are who will go through the Indian legal system, unless those who made the policy are ashamed of our legal system. 6) The payment processing and cash management as well as tax adherence part of this industry, both in terms of procurement and sale, need to be through the Indian banking system. And by fully transparent methods, so that float as well as control remains in India at all times, as is the case in developed countries.
Friday, September 20, 2019
My sociological imagination
My sociological imagination Before going through this weeks reading and into todays lecture, I hadnt yet come across the concept of the sociological imagination. Although the concept is seemingly new to me, it is likely that I have been using my sociological imagination for several years now especially whilst studying Society and Culture for my Higher School Certificate in years 11 and 12 at high school. In the subject, I can recall doing numerous case studies such as looking at the red light district in Calcutta, India as well as research assignments on topics like the stolen generation and my major work, the personal interest project on the stems of homophobic attitudes. To complete this work to the best of my potential, I was definitely thinking with my sociological imagination. I would define the sociological imagination as the art of objectifying a situation so that you are able form a view that captures it as a whole. It is thus a holistic way of thinking and ability of incorporating all elements as well as backgrounds and contexts into what you may be researching. The sociological imagination is an important frame of mind for a sociologist or anthropologist to be able to effectively assess a situation. C.W. Mills expresses this holistic idea of shaping the complete picture throughout this weeks reading, The Promise. While the text was written in 1959, his views and ideas of sociological imaginative practice are still very much relevant in 21st Century context of analysing social and cultural situations. The social sciences now commonly use this idea to explore such issues as social structures (e.g. Indias social class system), welfare problems (e.g. domestic violence) or health concerns (e.g. drug and alcohol addiction and abuse). An interesting statement Mills makes about the sociological imagination featured on page 15 is The sociological imagination enables us to grasp history and biography and the relations between the two within society. Here he is stating that we are not able to understand or formulate solutions for the biography of certain situations without take into consideration history, be that of a place, a person, a theory or even anything you wish to analyse. We must look at what has been in order to comprehend what is. Take for example a 45 year old female suffering from heart disease, it seems their life is quite active and their diet is balanced but why are they in need of a bypass operation to clear a blockage in an artery? Well one of the first question doctors would ask is if there is a history of heart disease in the family. Doctors here use their sociological imagination to understand the patients condition and it seems genetics and the historical background of her family is what is contr ibuting to her life now. Also on page 15 of The Promise, Mills puts forward a further thought about the sociological imagination: For that imagination is the capacity to shift from one perspective to another from political to the psychological. Mills here is examining framing perspectives and the sociological imagination giving you the ability of seeing things from differing perspectives. Putting yourself in another persons frame of mind or in their circumstances makes a situation much easier to comprehend. We can see something from a feminist perspective, a Marxist perspective, a scientific perspective, a postmodernist perspective or even seeing things from a childs perspective, the list is endless. A jury takes a number of people from many different social, cultural and historical backgrounds in order for them to find a defendant guilty or not guilty. The idea is that all of these perspectives collaborate to form the correct verdict to determine the fate of a defendant. Mills consolidates why we must make use of our sociological imagination on page 17 by stating Accordingly, to understand the changes of many personal milieux we are required to look beyond them. He raises the idea here that you must look beyond ones milieux, environment and surroundings to be able to comprehend and analyse their identity thoroughly. In the Up Series video excerpt shown in todays lecture consolidated that Mills theory about looking past a persons environment is extremely valid. Based in Britain during the 1960s we saw fourteen children from varied socioeconomic backgrounds come together to determine whether or their social class will play a role in preordaining their future. It became particularly clear of their economic circumstances when the children were asked what theyd like to be when they grow up. One boy from an upper class background replies with I want to go to Oxford University whilst a boy from the lower class asks what is a university? Looking beyond these childrens backgrounds and paths that may or may not be planned by the childrens parents, it became clear that these children do hold many of the same characteristics regardless of social status. For instance, they all were able to successfully interact at a party together as well as being capable of playing with each other at an adventure playground. Children were essentially being children. By thinking with the sociological imagination I am able to discover the full scope of a situation and formulate a thorough holistic opinion. As I am studying a Bachelor of Social Work at UNSW, it will be important if not fundamental technique for me to make use of whilst completing my degree looking at case studies, writing assignments as well as when on work placement and most importantly in my future career as a social worker.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Can Religion Help the Healing Process of Cancer? Essay -- Religion Rel
Can Religion Help the Healing Process of Cancer? One of the hardest parts of cancer is psychologically dealing with the illness. People know that cancer causes pain, suffering and potentially death. Death. A traumatizing circumstance when faced with prematurely. Patients with this life-threatening disease can easily fall into unhealthy lifestyle due to lack of emotional support, making cancer twice as difficult to try to overcome. Religion and spirituality provide patients with coping mechanisms, support groups and a view of eternal life that gives patients hope for better times to come. Religion and spirituality are proven psychologically components that show positive results when coping with cancer. When diagnosed with a life-threatening disease like cancer, emotions run high. Fear, vulnerability, hopelessness, despair and the loss of the meaning of life all flood the patient’s mind. â€Å"The initial diagnosis is an existential crisis†(Spiegel par 7). This life-threatening disease is attacking the body, while these emotions erode the mind. The need for comfort and support is necessary to sort out the monstrous psychological conflict that accompanies cancer. Is death really a possibly? Facing death alone is a difficult task, but support-groups have been put together and strategies have been created to help patients sift through emotions, ultimately finding meaning to life when suddenly time has been limited. When faced with death, managing emotions, as well as the negative effects and suffering is critical to the healing process. Researchers in this field agree that comfort and support are needed to try to start the healing process and successfully overcome the fear of death. A patient of Professor David Spiegel, M.D., a... ...t was through this comment that Williams finally understood that her support was essential to her mother coping with the present. Her Mormon believe helped her to understand that standing by her mother during these difficult times, even when they were difficult for her, was were duty and service not only to her mother, but to God. Williams weaves her Mormon believe into her experiences she describes in Refuge. Her Mormon faith is expressed through the sense of family and community that provided support for her mother. Faith also provides hope. Williams’ mother states, â€Å"It (faith) is a belief in a wisdom superior to our own. Faith becomes a teacher in the absence of fact†(Williams 198). Both faith and hope give her mother the ability to cope with death because her Mormon religion believes death is just a transition between human life and eternal life with God.
The Psychological Effects of Gender Roles Essay -- Gender Roles Equali
The Psychological Effects of Gender Roles â€Å"Let the boys be boys.†You’ve heard this phrase before. Often repeated by parents regarding their little boys. So what makes a boy, a boy? Rambo like characteristics? Muscles? Short hair? Wearing blue? Wearing T-shirts and jeans or playing with sporting equipment? Well last I remember, the main characteristics boys shared were penises. The role gender association play in the lives of our children can sometimes affect them negatively. The messages that gender roles send, is that in order to be part of society, you must fit into the norm or the status quo or most importantly what society deems as acceptable. But all the while, trying to incorporate individuality and establishing ones sense of self. Two conflicting ideas that can confuse a child and also alter the way they live their lives. There are two colors that are designated to babies that serve one purpose and one purpose only. Most infant boys were the color blue and girls wear pink. Seeing that it is difficult to determine the sex of an infant without general exposure to the genitals, most parents choose to clothe they’re young child in the respective colors so people will know whether it is a boy or a girl. After all, what male infant wears pink? When the children grow older, do they still continue the practice the color identification game? This is wear it changes. When boys reach the age wear they start dressing themselves and start buying their own clothes, they will continue to wear the blues and the greens and even yellows and reds, but not pink or violet, cause those are â€Å"girly†colors. Girls on the other hand, when they reach the same age still continue to wear the pink and violets and can even wear the blues, yellows, blacks, and greens. So why can girls make the â€Å"cross-over†without being teased or mocked but boys cant without being called a gay or a fagot. The clothing issue goes farther than that. The fashion industry does make boundaries with clothing. There is women’s clothing and men’s clothing. Women can wear men’s clothing, and at times its the stylish thing to do. Young girls can dress like boys or wear boys clothing and at times will only be called a tom-boy, but that is acceptable to society. Let’s see a man in public wearing a dress, and we stop and go out of our way to break our necks just so we can get a good look.... ...d am able to observe what is going on and what can happen. I’m am in no way implying that making your infant son wear blue is bad and if he wears pink as he gets older, it your fault. I know that I probably wouldn’t be to happy about the fact that my little boy is wearing pink either, but its how you approach and deal with the situation the can have an effect on your child. Many parents would probably tell their children this type of situation, â€Å" Pink is for girls, take it off. What are you gay or something. Are you a sissy? Act like a boy.†(Finaut) It is brought upon so negatively and makes the child feel low and incompetent, especially if they are told this by their fathers. Not everyone will agree with my point of view and that is something I understand, but its all about being open-minded which is obviously not the message gender roles send. Works Cited Finaut, Jim. Personal Interview, 11, July 1999. Hales, Dianne. Invitation to Health: Power of Prevention, eighth edition. California: Brooks/Cole, 1990. Richards, Orland. Personal Interview, 13 July 1999. Tannen, Deborah. You Just Don’t Understand: Women and Men in Conversation. New York: Ballantine, 1990.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
foolear Importance of the Fool in Shakespeares King Lear Essay
Importance of the Fool in King Lear  William Shakespeare's genius came from how closely he intertwined the two seemingly mutually exclusive realms to appeal to all socio-economic groups in his audience. The character of the Fool provides the closest intercourse of the two realms between King Lear's royalty and Poor Tom's poverty, while still maintaining their separation. The Fool's role in King Lear was to counteract the King's follies in order to bring him to his senses. With his honesty, wit, and clever wordplay that interweave foreshadowing and practical advice, the Fool entertains not only the King, but the audience as well, and brings some light and humour into this tragedy. All the characters in King Lear, apart from the Fool, are interconnected and of great importance to the story of King Lear and his daughters and the story of Edmund, Edgar and Gloucester. The character of the Fool did not have influence over Lear's decision to divide the kingdom, nor did the Fool have any connection with the subplot. Perhaps, for this reason many directors argue over the importance of his character. One should be able to realize that the presence of the Fool did not influence the overall impact of the play and that the two major plots would have occurred with him or without him. The character of the Fool should not be excluded from the play as this would damage the balance of tragedy versus comedy that was deliberately set up by Shakespeare, which would result in a loss of audience. There is a saying that goes, "Only fools and children tell the truth". Shakespeare does a great job of illustrating this saying through the Fool's character. The Fool is being loyal and honest to his master Lear no matter how painful the truth may... ...y reveals much of that friendly connection that the audience is asking for. Therefore, for all these reasons, I believe that the character of the Fool should not be taken out of the play even though it doesn't have a role in the two major plots of the play. Works Cited and Consulted Bradley, A.C. "King Lear." 20Lh Century Interpretations of King Lear. Ed. Jane Adelman. New Jersev; Prentice-Hall, 1978. Colie, C.L. "The Fool in King Lear." 20th Century Interpretations of King Lear. Ed. Jane Adelman. Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1997. Hunter, Robert G. Shakespeare and the Mystery of God's Judgments. University of Georgia Press, 1996. Knights, L.C. "On the Fool". 20th Century Interpretations of King Lear. Ed. Jane Adelman. New Jersey; Prentice-Hall, 1978. Snyder, Susan. "King Lear and the Prodigal Son." Shakespeare Quarterly. Autumn 1966. pps. 361-369.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Modifications to the National School Lunch Program Essay
Introduction Recent modifications made to the National School Lunch Program menu have caused controversy all across the nation. In last year The National School Lunch program have been under scrutiny and major changes have been made to the ingredients and preparation of school lunches. The USDA reports that the all the modifications to the school lunches are focus towards improving the health of all school age children, contributing to the fight against childhood obesity and succinctly to improve the health of all children across the nation. This research would explore the history of the different federal agencies involve in the national nutritional services, the most comprehensive changes in the school nutritional environment , the old and new menus choices and how changes are impacting students (National School Lunch Program,[NSLP] 2012). Research Statement According to the Unites States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service the recent changes to the National School Lunch program have been an important aid in the fight against childhood obesity and to help change student eating habits towards a healthier approach. In the last 4 years the Senate of the United Stated has proposed different legislature changes to the National School Lunch menu allowing millions of dollars to contribute towards a healthier approach modifying what student age children are consuming during school hours. The most comprehensive changes have been oriented towards reducing fat, sugar and sodium, and including more vegetable as part of the daily school cafeteria menu (United States Department of Agriculture, [USDA] 2012). Initial Research Question How the recent changes to the national school lunch program can improve the student’s health? By analyzing the recent changes to the national school lunch program we will be able to compare some of the differences between some the new and improve school lunch menu and how these changes are impacting students across the nation. Review of literature The National School Lunch Act was a law established under the administration of President Harry Truman in 1946. The original purpose of the act was to help local farmers with surplus produce and using these foods to feed school age children. After reviewing the principles of the act, members of the senate requested the establishment of a national program that under the guidelines of the National School Lunch Act, would oversee all operations associated with school lunch meals, reason for the creation of the National School Lunch program. The National School lunch program manages one of the largest federally assisted meal programs that provides nutritionally balanced meals free or at low cost to school age children. The national school lunch program takes cash subsides and foods provided by the U.S Department of Agriculture, in return the national school lunch program must meet nutritional federal requirements and most important must offer meals free or at low cost to all student age children. According to reported statistics from the U.S Department of Agriculture the National School Lunch feeds over 30 million students each day (NSLP, 2012) There is no doubt that the student nutrition subject has been an important topic of national concern in the history of our country. In 1966, The Child Nutrition Act was a law signed by President Lyndon B Johnson, encouraged by a national concern over nutrition in school age children. The Child Nutrition Act became to be an instrument to facilitate the process of meeting nutritional needs of children under the guidelines of the National School Lunch Program. The act also helped established the school based breakfast program providing free breakfast for children in public and nonprofit schools, during the signing of this act president Johnson use a famous phrase that would change forever the futures of national school lunches â€Å"Good food is essential to good learning†(USDA, 2012) U.S Department of Agriculture is a federal funded division who is responsible to all operations in the nation pertaining to farming agriculture and food. Better known as the USDA the department not only promotes and helps farming and agriculture issues but ensures food safety across the nation. The USDA is one of the oldest federally department created by President Abraham Lincoln in 1862. The USDA oversees a vast amount of operative units in the united states including the USDA Food and Nutritional Services who major goal is to provide healthy food to families in need, the department also collaborate closely with the National School Lunch program providing foods that are of nutritional value (USDA, 2012) On December 13th, 2010 President Obama sign into a law the Healthy, Hunger –Free Act of 2010. This act was creating to combat the alarming rates of childhood obesity cases in the U.S. The now law came to update the school meals standards who reflected very little changes in nutrition in the last 15 years, the HHFK Act also had an impact on the USDA, changing the foods providing to the National School lunch program and succinctly reflecting changes in meal nutritional standards in schools across the nation. In the 2009 a review from the Institute of Medicine recommended several updates to the National School lunch menus, the review found that the school cafeteria menus were not meeting the dietary guidelines for school age children stated by the U.S Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Services (Healthy Hunger-Free Act, [HHFA] 2012) In 2011 the USDA proposed new regulations based on the finding of the Institute of Medicine of the United States. The process of modification of the school cafeteria menus begin slowly but steady on schools across the nation, the changes included whole grain servings on all meals; reduce saturated fat sugar and sodium, and more fresh fruit and vegetables. Elizabeth Ippel, executive director of The Academy of Global Citizenship in Chicago, talks about the important of nutrition’s â€Å"good nutrition is essential and a very integral component to effective learning†. The changes are significant and according to Mrs. Ippel the students are responding positive to the modifications (Leamy, 2012) Here’s an example of a before and after lunch menu: BeforeAfter Breaded beef patty on a white roll Baked Fish Nuggets Fruit popsicleWhole wheat roll Low fat milkMashed potatoes Broccoli Peaches Skim Milk Discussion On December 13, 2010 president Obama signed into law 111-296 the Healthy Hunger –Free Act of 2010. The act is one of the most comprehensive proposals in the school nutritional environment in over 15 years; the main goal of this law is to update school meals nutritional standards to help combat childhood obesity and help students achieve healthy eating habits. Beginning in July 2012 the new lunch meal pattern will be in effect changing what students will be consuming during lunch in the school year 2012-2013.The new proposed meal components includes key changes for children K and above, these changes requires that school lunches offer a daily variety of whole grains, fruit and vegetables. In the fruit category, each meal provided by school cafeterias must include  ½ cup of fresh, frozen or canned fruits, prepared or compound with water and not syrup.  ½ of vegetables on each meal is another requirement in the daily school lunch menus; the new regulations required a variety of vegetable groups including: dark green, red/orange, legumes, starchy and other vegetables. On the area of whole grains, breads and cereals are required on each meal as long as the food item includes more than 8 grams of grains. The act has also limit the amount of flavored milks opting for only low fat milk during meals. Calories are also under a scope view limiting the calorie ranges according to age groups. Trans-fat is banned completely from school cafeteria menus and the act has also a plan to limit sodium gradually over the next decade, to reach the goal of keeping sodium at a no more than 600 mg per meal, equal to a diet frozen meal (HHFKA, 2012). The changes in the cafeteria school menu are impacting students and teachers equally, besides of more nutritional value, the new menus now offered more quantity amounts of healthier foods, satisfying the hunger of millions of students and reflecting healthier attitudes in the classrooms. LuAnn Coenen from Appleton Central High School in Wisconsin cheers the new regulations in the cafeteria menus and states†Since the introductions of the new food program, I have noticed and enormous difference in the behavior of my students in the classroom,††I can say without hesitation that it’s changed my job as principal†. It seems that less sugary foods and drinks are impacting student’s behavior. An associate professor of education at the Lehigh university conducted a study of over 2000 lunchrooms across the nations, the conclusions indicated that healthier and less sugary meals carries a calmer atmosphere in the classroom this calmer demeanor is reflects when students go back to the classrooms creating a trickling effect. Taylor a student from Appleton High commented about the changes she felt since the cafeteria menus changed â€Å"I’d say being able to concentrate better†. Susan Graham principal from Melrose Elementary in Tampa Florida confirms that her discipline referrals have decreased 50 % â€Å"We get a lot more done, I think it’s a lot more efficient work environment for all of us,†Grahams said (abcnews,2012). Berger (2005) wrote about the importance of a well balanced meal for the proper development of children’s brain development, and how school meal programs played an important rolled in children’s brain development, by providing a well balanced meal while in school children can achieve proper brain development a subsequently their ability to learn will be maximized (Berger, 2005). The changes happening in schools cafeterias might seem insignificant, but replacing extra-cheese pizza, deep fried chicken for whole wheat pizza and baked fish nuggets, represent a huge step towards making students healthy. Some modifications to the school lunch menu have happened slowly and some hidden from students, like replacing full fat cheese with a low fat mozzarella cheese in the pizzas, as well as using whole wheat bread on grill cheese sandwiches. Dr. Saira Jan a Rutgers University Professor (2006) comments on children obesity and diabetes rising numbers â€Å"Kids choose from what they are offered. They are hungry, they will eat. You can offer carrots or French fries. We have a big health-care problem. We can’t just talk about it†(Weekly Reader, 2006). Conclusion In conclusion the overall national concern over childhood obesity and the rising rate of diseases in children related to overweight issues is currently being addressed by different entities in charge of school nutrition. The National School lunch program has and will make modification on the students’ lunch menu to feed students healthier foods in the effort to fight childhood obesity. Even though there has been mixed opinions about the effectiveness of the lunch menu modifications, the HHFKA guidelines demonstrate how References About USDA. (2012). United States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service. Retrieved from Berger, Kathleen. (2005).The Developing Person Throughout the Lifespan. 6th ed.Worth. 140-142 Child Nutritional Act.(2012). United States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service. Retrieved from Food Fight! Should School Lunches be healthier? Current Events, a Weekly Reader publication,17 Feb.(2006) Retrieved from Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. (2012).United States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service. Retrieved from Questions & Answers on the Final Rule, â€Å"Nutrition Standards in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs†(2012).United States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service. Retrieved from Lazor, K., Chapman, N., & Levine, E. (2010).No.80. Vol.4. 200-206 Soy Goes to School: Acceptance of Healthful, Vegetarian Options in Maryland Middle School Lunches. Journal Of School Health. Leamy, Elizabeth.(2011). Exclusive: USDA to Announce Healthier New School Lunch Guidelines. Retrieved from Mary Bruce. (2010). Coming Soon? Healthier School Lunches. Retrieved from Mcginn, D., & Popescu, R. (2007).No 150. Vol.17. Unlucky Charms At Lunch. Newsweek. Retrieved from _a_elin&it=r&p=ITOF&sw=w National School Lunch Program.(2012).United States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service. Retrieved from Nutrition Standards in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs, No 17, Vol.77. (2012). United States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service. Retrieved from Students behave better with healthy lunches. (2012). Abc. go. Retrieved from
Monday, September 16, 2019
Home School or School House Essay
What do George Washington and the Hanson brothers have in common? Do you give up? Well, the answer is that both of them were educated in their homes. Queen Elizabeth, Thomas Edison, and Theodore Roosevelt were also educated at home. According to the Home Education Research Institute, 1. 5 million students are staying home for class today. This number is five times more than ten years ago (Kantrow and Wingert 66). This trend leads to many questions. Does home school education work? Do students receive a proper education? How does a home school student’s education compare to that of public school student? Does home schooling isolate a child socially? These questions are concerns of parents, educators, and politicians alike. The future of America rests on the academic and social education of our youth, and home school education should be considered as an effective alternative to public school education. In the past, parents mainly chose to educate their children at home because of religious preference. These parents viewed the public school system as a source of negative influence on children. Violence, sex, drugs, and peer pressure were influences these parents sought to avoid. However, today parents have other reasons for home school education, which primarily all point to a lackluster public school system. Other reasons include a desire to build a strong family closeness, safety, and a handful of parents chose home school for their children because of special needs such as disabilities or special talents. However, no matter how good the reasons, the home school education system must prove to be an acceptable alternative to public schools. There are many advantages to giving a student a home school education. First, parents can make direct decisions concerning what their children are taught. According to the Home School Statistics and Reports in 1997, written by founder and President Dr. Brian D. Ray, seventy-one percent of the parents who educate their children hand pick the curriculum from a variety of books, videos, and educational manuals. Another twenty-three percent order entire cirriculum packages (Ray 14). With the technology of today, parents have an unlimited source for information via the Internet, which can be easily integrated in home school education. The study also shows the education level of the parent supervising and administering the curriculum has little or no effect on the quality of education received by a student. Home-educated students whose parents did not have college degrees scored equally high on tests compared to students whose parents had college degrees(Ray 56). In addition to students’ own parents teaching them, groups are formed among home school families. These groups allow students to be taught a variety of subjects by different parents that have a better understanding of subjects such as algebra, chemistry, and biology. These groups also take field trips, participate in sports, and do volunteer projects together. Another advantage of home schooling is the quality of education received by the student. How do home school students compare with public school students? This is a very important question to answer, but the answer can never be a concrete one. However all of the research I did shows that students educated in their homes have an equal or higher level of academic skills compared to the public school students. In the 1997 and 1998 ACT test scores, home school students averaged a score of 23; meanwhile the public school students averaged a score of 21(Farris 8). Also, on nationally standardized achievement exams home students again outscored public school students by at least thirty percentile points(Ray 7). While these numbers can’t truly reflect the comparison, an equal percentage of students from both groups seek college education(Ray 9). The government on all levels faces problems concerning the public school system. Funding for schools tops the problem list; local school boards and city governments are continuously fighting for tax proposals, meanwhile students in the schools suffer because of poor facilities and low salaries for teachers. The cost for taxpayers to send one student to a public school for one year is approximately $5325, while a home school student costs a parent $546 per year (Ray 11). Could an increase in home schools cut taxes? Could the money allotted for education now be used more effectively if there were fewer students? Maybe or maybe not, but if fewer students were in public schools, the chances of giving the public school student a better educational environment would increase. Many people who oppose home school programs claim interactions with other children at school are vital to their education. However, this argument usually does not work because parents who home school do not want to release their children into the negative influences that infect the public school system. After an interview with Beverly Decateau, a mother who taught her children at home for over seven years; I found that home school students participate in equally as many or more activities than public school students do. Her children and many others she knew of were active in church groups, Four-H groups, sports teams, and dance squads. All of these activities can be considered social interactions. I don’t believe the public school system has a responsibility to socialize students; that job belongs to parents. In a public school system, some students can be pinpointed and teased, and these images can damage children for life. Despite the several advantages of the home school system, many people still oppose home schooling. Home school students may not miss interactions with other students, but they will miss the experience. Certain experiences at school are considered an important part of the American way of life. Public school students will never forget experiencing homeroom parties, pep rallies, and finding classes on the first day of high school. Can a home school student’s experience compare? Probably not, but to what importance these experiences play in the education and socialization skills of a student depends on each individual student. Home school education can cause problems among children and parents. Children who have parents constantly looking over their shoulders may have difficulty breaking away from home to attend college or enter the workplace. Children might also have trouble respecting their own parent as an educator, and this lack of respect may have a negative effect on the student’s education. In order for home school education to work, the parents must be willing to sacrifice time and patience above and beyond the average parents. The parents must also be willing to give up their own careers for the future of their children. Furthermore, not all children can be successful home school students. The children must be able to make friends in informal settings, and see home school education as a way of exploring different avenues of learning. Not everyone can educate their children at home, but the more students who can receive a solid education at home would improve the education given to students at public schools. Fewer students would lead to smaller classrooms where higher paid teachers could give more attention to public school students. Funds and taxes could be used more effectively because there would be fewer students to accommodate. In the future we should support home school programs and public school education to interact with each other for the benefit of all students. Regardless of where the education of America’s youth takes place, it is vital that parents have a major role in the education of their children in order to build strong families and a strong America. WORKS CITED Decateau, Beverly. Personal interview. 2 NOV 1998. Farris, Micheal. â€Å"Home Schooling Today. †The Washington Times 27 OCT 1998: E8. Kantrowitz, Barbara, and Pat Wingert. â€Å"Learning At Home: Does It Pass The Test? †Newsweek 5 OCT. 1998: 64-70. Ray, Brian D. â€Å"Home School Statistics and Reports†Home School Legal Defense HomePage. Dec 1997 http://www. hsdla. org//.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
McCarty v. Pheasant Run , Inc.
Summary of CaseMrs. Dula McCarty brought suit against Pheasant Run Inc. for negligence. In 1981, Mrs. McCarty was attacked by a man in her hotel room, beaten and threatened of rape. Mrs. McCarty ultimately fought off her attacker and he fled. The attacker was never identified nor brought to justice. Although Mrs. McCarty did not sustain serious physical injuries, she claimed the incident caused prolonged emotional distress which led to an early retirement. An investigation revealed that a sliding glass door, which was concealed behind curtains, was manipulated and enabled the attacker to gain entry into her hotel room. Mrs. McCarty made multiple claims of negligence against Pheasant Run Inc., including that they should have had better locking devices on the sliding door; more security personnel; the walkway to her sliding door inaccessible from the ground level; better over all procedures for dealing with non guests; posting signs telling guests to keep their doors locked at all time s. Ultimately, the court did not see it Mrs. McCarty’s way. McCarty argued the judge should have granted her motion for judgment notwithstanding the jury’s verdict for the defendant.McCarty did not request the directed verdict on the issue of Pheasant Runs negligence which is a prerequisite to judgment n.o.v. Many accidents are neither the injurer nor the victims fault and therefore there is no liability. The judge advised Mrs. McCarty that the case was not as one sided as she believed it to be. Additionally, following a jury’s verdict, a judge cannot substitute its judgment when the judgment was reasonable (2). Mrs. McCarty did a poor job in proving that Pheasant Run could have prevented her attack with her advised precautions.Mrs. McCarty did not provide information of what it would cost Pheasant Run to equip the hotel rooms with improved locking systems and whether the system would have been impenetrable. She also failed to advise the jury on the additional s ecurity forces she claimed would have made a difference. In regards to the Mrs. McCarty’s sliding door, it was equipped with a lock and an additional safety chain. The safety chain was fastened but the lock was not used. This case had evidence of negligence but none of strict liability. There were reasonable precautions in place. Elements of Intentional TortTort law enables citizens to seek reimbursement for loss and or suffering from conduct that would be deemed dangerous or unreasonable of others (3). Tort law is non criminal and is dealt with in our civil judicial system. The categories of Tort Law include intentional tort, negligence and strict liability.An intentional tort case is proved by the plaintiff showing that the defendant intentionally injured him/her (1). In a negligence case, the plaintiff shows that the defendant did not act carefully as the law requires and therefore should be liable for any damages to the plaintiff (1). The strict liability cases occur w hen a plaintiff suffers damages even though the defendant acted carefully and with no intent of harm being done to them (1).During a trial the plaintiff will attempt to prove their case by the presentation of evidence to the trier of fact. The evidence usually includes testimony of persons involved; witnesses as well as physical things such as pictures, documentation/records, recordings etc†¦ How a Defense is TriggeredA common defense is that there was a superseding intervening cause which was the cause of the injury to the plaintiff. The plaintiff must then prove that the injury was a result of the tort committed by the defendant and not due to the progression of the prior cause. Another defense, regarding breach of duty, is that a plaintiff must show they have damage that is legally recognized. The plaintiff cannot claim they have suffered but cannot show damages.Proximate cause refers to the plaintiff being able to show that the damage and or injuries they sustained were a r esult of the tort they are suing for. An example would be the plaintiff’s nose was broke as a result of the defendant flailing his elbow’s amongst the crowd. Features in a Negligence ComplaintScenarios where people are injured as a result of an accident occur more frequently than those where people are injured due to malicious behavior. As a result, the law recognizes a duty to conform to a certain standard of conduct for the protection of others against unreasonable risk of harm. If there is a failure to conform which results in an injury, damage or loss, the injured party has a cause of action for negligence. Additionally, a court will utilize several ways to formulate the negligence standard.One of the more famous is the â€Å"Hand Formula†which determines whether the burden of precaution is less than the magnitude of the accident, if it occurs, multiplied by the probability of occurrence. In a negligence case, there are four elements that must be researched for a plaintiff to recover damages.These elements include: 1) did a defendant owe the plaintiff a duty to act in a certain way 2) did the defendant breach the duty by failing to act as well as the duty required 3) did the defendants conduct cause some harm 4) did the defendants conduct harm the plaintiff (1). If any of these elements are found to not be true then no cause of action in negligence is recognized. It is important to note that it is the responsibility of the plaintiff to prove that the defendant was negligent. There are some differences between negligence and other torts. When establishing negligence, the defendant has a â€Å"reasonable person†standard he/she must abide by.Compared to strict liability, a person has the absolute duty to make safe that which is the subject of the lawsuit (3). Negligence per se is another tort which differs from negligence. Regarding negligence per se, an act performed is shown to be in violation of state law or city ordinance. Ma lpractice is a form of negligence which takes form in a different field. It is coined â€Å"professional negligence†(3). A person is required to act as would a reasonably skilled, prudent, competent, and experienced member of their profession.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
The Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery Health And Social Care Essay
Intrapartum cervical lesions are frequent, but merely a minority of them is clinically important and conditions future gestations and/or bringings. We report one such instance in which cervical lacrimation occurred upon the initiation of labour, without cervical os distension, ensuing in vaginal bringing of the foetus and sever postpartum bleeding. Case: A 39 year-old G2P0 adult female, with a history of a voluntary break of gestation by cervical distension and curettement 13 old ages ago and no implicative symptom of attendant cervical stricture, was admitted for labour initiation at 41 hebdomads of gestation. Attesting a posteriorly oriented and closed neck, we gave vaginally 2.5 milligram of prostaglandin E2. In the absence of important cervical alterations, 50 microgram of misoprostol were vaginally applied the following twenty-four hours. The patient initiated contractions with neck shorting, but the cervical os remained closed. Two hours subsequently, a healthy male neonate was vaginally delivered and the placenta was removed spontaneously. Showing an intense postpartum hemorrhage, the patient was observed when a big posterior cervical tear was visualized while the original cervical os remained unopened. The haemostasis was achieved by lesion fix utilizing a uninterrupted sutura. Decision: The instance supports that the adult females with a history of cervical intercession should be carefully approached in the instance of labour initiation, even when the process is non associated with evident complications. In this scenario, relentless rigidness of the cervical os in malice of cervical shorting may bespeak the hazard of cervical lacrimation.IntroductionCervical hurts represent important morbidities associated with vaginal bringings [ 1 ] , peculiarly in the instances of nulliparity, hasty labour, operative vaginal bringing and cervical surgical intercessions such as cervical cerclage during gestation [ 2 ] . Initiation of labour has besides been associate d with an addition in the rate of cervical harm [ 3 ] . We report a instance of intrapartum cervical lacrimation without cervical os distension that occurred upon prostaglandin initiation of labour in a adult female with a history of voluntary break of gestation by cervical distension and uterine curettement. The cervical tear resulted in self-generated bringing of the foetus through the lesion and postpartum bleeding successfully treated by the lesion sutura.CASE PRESENTATIONA 39 year-old Portuguese adult female, G2P0, with a singleton and uneventful gestation was admitted to our establishment at 41 hebdomads of gestation for labour initiation. Her past obstetric history revealed a voluntary break of gestation at 6 hebdomads, realized by cervical distension and curettement, without complications, 13 old ages ago. There was no implicative symptom of attendant cervical stricture since the patient?s catamenial rhythms were regular with normal catamenial hemorrhage after the process. A dditionally, the current gestation was spontaneously conceived. Neither relevant medical conditions nor abdominopelvic surgical intercessions were reported. Cervical appraisal on admittance revealed a 15 millimeter long, posteriorly indicating neck of stiff consistence with a 5 millimeter broad external os and cephalic presentation at S-1. Due to unfavourable cervical features, 2.5 milligram of prostaglandin E2 ( PGE2 ) were vaginally given for cervical maturation. In the absence of important cervical alterations and detecting normal CTG records, 50 microgram of misoprostol were vaginally applied the following twenty-four hours. The patient initiated labour 4h subsequently, co-occuring with self-generated rupture of membranes, cervical shortening, while the external os remained 5 millimeter dilated. The patient received consecutive anaesthesia. Two hours subsequently, a healthy male neonate was vaginally delivered deliberation 3355 g, with Apgar score 10/10. After the self-generated placental remotion, an intense vaginal hemorrhage drew attending. The scrutiny demonstrated that original cervical os remained closed and a 4 centimeter deep , posterior cervical tear was observed ( from 9 to 4 o'clock, Figure 1 ) , without extension to the vaginal fornix. The lesion had provided a gate out to the foetus and gave the beginning to the bleeding. The intuition of a important lesion of the uterine principal was rejected by the designation of the tear boundary lines, no clinical marks of peritoneal annoyance and ultrasonographic verification of the absence of free fluid in the abdominopelvic pit. The cervical tear was repaired utilizing uninterrupted vicryl suturas. After the intercession, the drainage of uterine discharge through the natural os was verified. The patent received oxytocin perfusion ( 20U ) and 2g of cefazolin. The bleeding resulted in a decrease of the hemoglobin degree from 12.9 to 10.7 g/dL, therefore the patient was besides medicated with day-to-day Fe addendum p.o. Having an uneventful postoperative class, the patient was discharged on twenty-four hours 3 postpartum and referenced to the hospital?s units f or puerperal alteration and household planning. Degree centigrades: UsersDusanDesktopDelivery through a Cervical TearDiapositivo1.JPGDISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONClinically important lesions of the neck occur in 0.2 – 1.7 % of vaginal bringings ( R ) . Cervical cryings have been often reported with instrumental bringing, peculiarly when forceps was engaged. However, big cryings, such as the lesion that we witnessed, developed under the consequence of induced uterine contractions, miming a full distension and taking to fetus bringing beside an unopened cervical os, are ultimate rareness. A self-generated bringing through a cervical tear with an integral cervical os was antecedently reported in a patient with a history of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia treated with a loop electrosurgical deletion process ( LEEP ) and upon the labour initiation with PGE2 [ 4 ] . Differently, in other reported instances, big cervical cryings coexisted with partly [ 5 ] or to the full dilated necks [ 6 ] . In our patient, prostaglandins were besides used for cervical readying as a standard method. Although no old cervical injury was documented, the history of cervical distension and curettement used for the expiration of predating gestation opens up possibility of subclinical cervical hurt. Despite the fact that a high per centum of patients with a history of cervical distension and curettement have a favourable result of future pregnancies/deliveries, the process is associated with an increased rate of postpartum bleedings [ 7 ] . We believe that old cervical hurt, although clinical ly soundless, should be considered, since the initiation drugs were applied in a accustomed and safe mode while no other obvious predisposing factors existed. Similarly to the instance of patient submitted to LEEP, presumptive cervical tissue change did non let distension of the external os due to fibrosis and indirectly weakened the nearby cervical section when exposed to prostaglandin-induced contractions. Alternatively, the intrinsic cervical os stiffness in our patient can be taken into history, doing the above tissue prone to rupture. Regardless of etiology, the realisation of a cesarian subdivision after the initial and unsuccessful tentative of labour could forestall this complication. Nevertheless, the diseased significance of ascertained cervical response, de facto, is non recognizable in the clinical pattern every bit easy as in the theory. In decision, the adult females with a history of cervical intercession necessitate a particular moderateness in the instance of labour initiation, even when the process is minimally invasive, like cervical distension, and non associated with evident complications. The instance shows that in such a parturient, cervical shorting with relentless rigidness of the cervical os should be peculiarly valorized and carefully approached since it may bespeak the imminency of cervical rupturing aside a closed os. At the visible radiation of comparatively high rates of both instrumental gestation break and subsequent labour initiation, the possibility of this rare event should non be overlooked due to the serious maternofetal effects that it can condition. Conflict of Interests: The writers declare no struggle of involvements. Consent: Patient has given her consent for the instance study to be published.
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